Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

who’s “we?” When a judge’s court is in session, s/he is “Judge” or “Your Honor.” That is the correct way of addressing.


So, I had to work at the most inconvenient of times… when the sidebar about the admissibility or whatever of the recording was discussed when the jury was excused. Since it was presumably not for public consumption, I don’t see it on L&C’s recap. Some of it was full volume, and some was softer but audible. I was in a meeting so I could not pay attention, did anyone hear what the substance of that conversation was? I gather it is a recording that is maybe purposed to impeach RG’s testimony, but the judge said it was vague or equivocal? Did anyone hear it fully?

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Who? You mean RG and the “we’s”?

Funny you should say that. I keep noticing that it looks like somebody was a little off the mark with a paintbrush on the frame or molding or whatever it is on the wall right behind the witness stand.

I wish they would have re-enacted to the jury (and for us!) how MB approached RG and the chokehold/struggle occured rather than just describe it.

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No, the post I responded to said

We don’t use that when addressing judges, do counsel refer to each other as “my friend”?

I was asking who is “we.” It is up to the judge if he permits “Judge” in place of “Your Honor” but it would be equivalent to addressing someone as “Doctor” or “Counselor”, as in “good afternoon, Doctor” which was his greeting to for example RC.

Technically it is “Your Honor” or “The Court” but “Judge” is permitted by a lot of judges when used by parties that the judge is familiar with, which would be counsel who probably appear in front of him or her pretty regularly.


Aha. Sorry, all I could think of with regards to “we” was RG.

@OneBellBoot, when a person does not remember a tramatic event, how accurate is hypnosis in helping them remember? Thanks!


This is probably better suited for @soloudinhere, as the defendant will not testify.

To quote a very popular phrase of the day, I don’t recall. And I don’t generally have much luck with the search function on here. Someone posted screenshots from the YouTube live stream from the Law and Crime channel, I believe, if you want to try to find them.


LOL. You and me both! No search and “I don’t recall” - as long as the latter doesn’t put me in a bucket with LaLa


“we” are Canadians, eh? I had counsel once when I was mediating who was so used to the formality of the courtroom he couldn’t use my first name. He settled on “Madame Mediator”.


Ah, yes, in the US in most jurisdictions “Judge” is fine.

There’s some courts that don’t permit it. And some judges who hate it and correct it. But most here don’t mind.

I believe Canada has done away with this, but for awhile it was “My Lord” or “My Lady” for judges there, no?

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Unfortunately, hypnosis is a very fallible method for trying to recover repressed memories. We don’t really have any reliable methods of retrieving memories repressed due to trauma. They can sometime re-emerge after a period of time, but there isn’t any reliable way to drawn them out.


Wait, I may have found the relevant post. Although I think it just includes the summary, not the actual screenshots. If this works, it will be a minor miracle.


Thank you. I was thinking of a therapy perspective than use in court room. I should have included that in my question. Is it possible that the chokehold could cause or play a part in the memory loss if the defendant actually passed out?

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Yikes! What a psycho. And I am so sorry to whoever that was (thanks to @LexInVA for posting!) I don’t necessarily see impeachment worthy stuff, but so terrible.

Edited because forum member was recounting a different chat and is more the alleged victim.

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well, he’s a maid with benefits…


I believe Lex was just posting somebody else’s comments from YouTube here on this thread so we could see them easily.


Makes sense! sorry to whoever that is! Will edit my post with clear evidence why. (Also thanks @MHM for clarification!)