Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think this may have gotten lost in the mix, this was the conversation that arose just after 4pm, and which - I believe - led to the early recess because of a “legal question” if I recall correctly. Did anyone hear the convo in full?

Also I should have said “inconvenient” or “inopportune”. Grammar police please ignore my word choice.

I did not hear it, since I thought they were done for the day, so I stopped watching. But others have said that they played part of the tape, but it was basically inaudible on the live stream due to sound issues.


It was not supposed to be heard. It was interrupted and the bailiff cut the audio to the stream. Even if it was heard, it is probably not proper to discuss.


Is there a reason we can’t discuss, given we aren’t on the jury?

We have people watching the forums for information, and it may affect the judges rulings if they go running to the prosecution.


Fair. I am still cursing my meeting…

There are some concerns with using hypnosis in a therapeutic setting, as well as in a legal context, but I’ll admit I’m not a therapist so I’m basing this off the literature and I think there are people who find relief from its use.

If the loss of consciousness from strangulation was due to hypoxia (which can be a cause of LOC in strangulation, but isn’t the only reason) then I’d believe it could contribute to the retrograde amnesia. If he suffered a concussion from being hit, that could also play a role. It’s also totally plausible that it’s psychogenic amnesia, resulting from the trauma.


Wow, seriously??

Maybe the defense lawyer did take my comments under advisement during the afternoon break. Lol.

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On a total tangent… you say hypnosis is controversial. What about EMDR, Sand Play, etc? And if any of the above (particularly Sand Play) are designed to elicit memories, could they reverse amnesia? EMDR is more desensitizing reactions to trauma, but Sand Play is to elicit memories, no? Maybe not relevant to this trial, but I wonder at some of the things I have seen, and how legit they are.

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I Googled sandplay. It’s just another play therapy. There are no guaranteed ways of getting back repressed memories that dont risk also creating false memories.


I agree with Scribbler, that there’s unfortunately nothing we can do to draw memories out that doesn’t run the risk of creating false memories (we like to trust our memories, but man, its not great and it’s so malleable, haha).

EMDR uses existing memories and has some empirical support as a treatment for trauma related conditions. In doing trauma work, people can remember forgotten things, so things may be recalled, but it’s not the goal of that work.

ETA: the things that trigger recall of forgotten memories is so person-specific and hard to predict. For someone, it might be a smell or a sound or something else small, and all of a sudden they remember that smell from an event in their past and the memory of an event comes back. Actually smell and memory are fairly closely tied, so that might not be such a strange one!


Yes it was and I believe some provinces still use that. At the Supreme Court of Canada the address is Mr. Justice or Madame Justice. Lower courts use your honour.

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He’s being very negative on the defence attorney so far. Saying that he’s asking poorly phrased questions, and that some of the questions don’t really make sense (ie don’t help the defence)’

ETA someone asked “is this terrible because it’s a bad case or because he’s a bad lawyer” and the answer by the podcast host was he doesn’t think they have much of a case and that the lawyer is also not doing a proficient cross examination.

ETA 2 He has now referred to the cross examination as “painful” and warned people that lawyers fall on a bell curve and to be careful who they pick as a lawyer. Pretty strong condemnation I’d say


I still can’t figure out how to find the live stream on the L&C youtube coverage. Where could I find it?

You can search youtube “law and crime” or also search Michael Barisone

The livestream from today got taken down while I was watching it. It doesn’t seem like it’s back up? But you can watch the testimony in pieces on the channel

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I go to YouTube and search for barisone trial day x and it comes up that way.

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That’s where I’ve been watching it, but I can’t find the “live chat” feature to look at the comments as they happen during the trial. I can see the comments way at the bottom, but those don’t seem to be the same as the “live chat.” Thanks, though. :slightly_smiling_face:

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It’s underneath the video they are the same.

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This isn’t on youtube. This is the live recording, will be up again when court is in sesson, and on the right is a live chat.