Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28


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Are they done for the week, or will there be one more day, tomorrow?

They said tomorrow will be the end of RG testimony and that the state has 5 more witnesses that should be short. They’re hoping to wrap up the State’s case late tomorrow and the defence would start on Monday.

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Okay, thanks

Yes. If it’s a chilly day and I smell diesel, for some reason, I’m immediately back in Korea. That wasn’t the only place I’ve smelled diesel in my life, but for some odd reason, my subconscious has linked that smell to my time in S. Korea.


Thanks for the clarification!

A few observations on the court proceedings offered by the crew of the Revenge:

There is something we should know. Michael Barisone is not right handed.

The Dog appears to be at least as large as an ROUS, and we all know that even tough guys like Count Rugen won’t even enter the Fire Swamp for fear of those beasts.

Only fools think starting wars is a prestigious line of work. It’s a marvelous jest when these buffoons balk at acknowledging how little work they do or how much their fortunes depend on luck or other people.

Vizzini had the slightly less well-known classic blunder all wrong. It’s not, “never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line”, but rather, “never go in against a vindictive New Jersey layabout when your sanity is on the line.”

Mostly dead is, in fact, still slightly alive and LaLa is lucky to have reached the good doctor in that state. Alas, it seems like her reason for clinging to life really did have more to do with “to blave” than “true love”.

LaLa’s need to be seen as a mental giant in spite of her diminutive physiqe (to say nothing about her intellect) reminds me of another warlord I used to know… Perhaps there is more of a resemblance than I initially acknowledged between the trio that abducted Buttercup (self-important Vizzini, useful idiot Fezzik, and revenge-thirsty Inigo) and the three whose text messages have been mentioned so much in court (LaLa, Mr. Fixit, and PaPaPopRider).

And, as always, lies do not become us.


HAHAHA… Thank you for all the legal interpretations you’ve posted through this. They’ve been very helpful.

The hand that had no cast or bandage or anything else in pictures just a few days after the incident?

The real suspense of this whole thing right there.

Yeah, I wonder about that myself.

I don’t know… sometimes I feel like he’s a little bumbling and trying too hard to get certain things in. Other times, I think he’s brought up enough of her SM posting that she either denies, and then admits to, or she tries to make it seem like her words didn’t mean much at the time despite that they sound threatening. She’s coming across as a liar when she is proven wrong over and over. I think he’s got enough intentional harassment and threats to prove he may not have been in a good mental state when he gets to put on his defense.

That’s my perception. There has been denial of things posted, and then Bilinkas produces the post that proves that was a lie over and over.

OMG, you owe me a monitor. I may have laughed while drinking and got Sprite on it.

Wasn’t it mentioned that he’d hired someone to check for bugs because he was afraid they were recording everywhere?

That’s interesting. I believe LK said he had worked for a bath remodeling company and then at her urging had an LLC. I don’t recall anyone specifying if he was actually licensed anywhere.

It sounds like he didn’t to me, but they keep contradicting themselves and each other.

I thought it was $50K for some reason.


I need to get me a Dread Pirate Roberts T shirt.


She has said $50,000 all along.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Are people that are arrested that show signs of having mental issues(to the degree MB is demonstrating in court) just thrown into jail and not providing any treatment for years? That doesn’t seem right. Any experts out there?Perhaps there will be testimony that there has been on going help/evaluations and not just professional opinions generated just for the trial. At some time didn’t the defense asked for more time to prepare/ gather more evidence of MB’s mental health? I still find it strange MB did not accept the offer to get released before trial.
Perhaps when in jail he is not presenting as he does in court(stressful situation) so he did not get any help. Defense claims temporary insanity with not remembering from right before he allegedly got the gun until after the shooting. He was refrained and received injuries after the shooting, someone suggested that is what caused the lost of memory. However, his defense team is saying he can’t remember things before even coming to the farmhouse. I am guessing they will go more with due to the trauma of the shooting.
His current court behavior, including some very scary stares, show his mental health may still be a big issue. Apparently there is evidence he had mental health issue before the shooting but outwardly did appeared to be functional, which is not the case now in court.
Will be very interesting when the defense gets to testimony and evidence supporting the insanity claim.


It’s a really high bar to be not guilty by reason of insanity. Simply not remembering it will not be enough. Currently struggling mentally will not be enough. I’ve only ever heard of it being applied when people were under active psychosis which seems unlikely in MB’s case but I guess we’ll see what the defence experts say next week.


He went from being at the top of the world and having a good life (as he put it) and now, because of someone many call a drug addled grifter lying narcissist dirt bag is facing the rest of his life behind bars like some animal at a crappy zoo.

Were you him, what would your expression be like?

Even further, he cannot help in his own defense because he doesn’t remember anything.

He has managed somehow to keep his composure. I dare say many others, sitting in his place in the courtroom may have jumped up countless times in frustration calling out lies.

So far many commenters have picked up on the inconsistencies of the testimony of LK and RG who contradict both themselves and each other. Add a magically appearing clip in a back seat, the moving in and out of the house with apparently see through walls and no doors, and numerous other discrepancies and WOW.

Then add on top of that very questionable forensics, the overabundance of social media posts given credence and explanation to MBs state of mind, the collaboration of witnesses (with way more to come), the fact that he’s gone for therapy for YEARS and the record and social reputation of LK and RG and it all adds up to a defendant who just might be exonerated.


PaPaPopRider :rofl:


Careful of invoking her name. I just saw this


She may read this thread and become alerted to the fact that her lies are so very transparent, but its not like she can just start telling the truth all of a sudden.


What a nightmare this is. Its a nightmare for me, a stranger, just knowing what she’s done. I can’t imagine what a nightmare it is for MB. What a nightmare she and her ilk are. That’s how I feel. A nightmare of a human.


Don’t know if this has been mentioned but - if you’ve ever tried to get blood out of fabric, rain alone won’t do it. Smear it around yes. But wash it clean? Fat chance.