Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Interesting, I thought that the sweatshirt etc. soaked in rain would wash out the blood. Maybe not?

Yeah, if was mentioned upthread, and I agree.

It just confuses me a bit. At first I thought that maybe she didn’t bleed so much, externally, right away. However, she did say she was covered in what I assume to be her own blood. I would think her clothes would’ve been quite blood stained then?

I’m no forensic expert, but a few things from the crime scene don’t add up.

Just a somewhat related thought: The equestrian world is just sickening with the amount of money we, or some of us spend :flushed: I’m aware of how expensive it can get, but it must sound wild to the jury. So many people cannot fathom having that amount of money to fund a hobby.

There are other hobbies out there that also get wild re the money you can spend, so equestrian sports aren’t alone there, but still.


Racing sailboats comes to mind.

My ex used to race sailboats. Used to buy sailboats, refit them for racing. Race them from Newport to Bermuda. Blue Water boats. Kept them in New York, and several Long Island harborsAnd on the CT River. We would travel up and down New England looking for parts, order racing sails custom made for 10s of thousands of dollars. He used to complain to me about my horses. I would just laugh, and laugh.

You know how much a carbon fiber sail costs? 6 figures and more.


Racing cars comes to mind.

Don’t ask me how I know :roll_eyes:


I lived in that world for awhile - drag racing, not track. Boy oh boy oh boy…

And then I got a diesel truck, and started playing around with that.

Diesel anything can put your “average” (sub 9.5 second) drag car to SHAME.

Lots of ways to blow money. Our poison of choice is horses. But there are definitely different “classes” of spenders in there.


It’s a really high bar to be not guilty by reason of insanity. Simply not remembering it will not be enough. Currently struggling mentally will not be enough. I’ve only ever heard of it being applied when people were under active psychosis which seems unlikely in MB’s case but I guess we’ll see what the defence experts say next week.

Active psychosis doesn’t even get you this verdict sometimes. The bar for legal insanity doesn’t really have to do with how insane or psychotic a person is, as much as it does whether or not they were capable of understanding right/wrong at the time of the crime.

If a person is so insane that they are psychotic at the time of trial or unable to understand the proceedings, there’s often a defense that they are “incompetent to stand trial” - in which case a commitment usually follows until they have the faculties to get through the court proceedings. Incompetency to stand trial doesn’t always relate to a not guilty by insanity verdict either.

The legal system is not set up well to deal with these kinds of issues - someone could be having active delusions or strong compulsions at the time of the crime but still be deemed “sane” because they knew enough to know that they were doing something illegal.

Also, above someone asked about people with mental issues in jail/prison and yes, that’s a massive problem. And many people with minor issues come out of incarceration with major ones.

(Disclaimer: this is all based on a short time I worked for a public defender who dealt exclusively with commitments and mental health cases. I did not even see the half of it, I’m sure, but it made a very big impression)


What he’s describing sounds like a “press check.” The slide is pulled back just far enough to see if there’s a round chambered but not far enough to cycle a new round.


Or he locked the slide in the open position.

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Rare first editions, musical instruments, art - almost anything can reach nosebleed prices.

At least horses can return your affection and provide a sense of freedom. Plus the BEST way to experience Revolutionary and Civil War battlefields is to ride them.


Thank you! As with the legal info it is always interesting to hear from those who are knowledgeable in these matters.


Thank you. I would think mental health treatment for those incarcerated would be a very big and difficult problem.

With regards to the courthouse, it is an historic building. It is in a bit of disrepair and there is a history of fire alarms going off and needing to be evacuated (surprised it hasn’t happened during this trial).

Well yes but that doesn’t make any more sense in the context of a possibly loaded weapon than what the post I was replying to discussed.

In general, this thread is an interesting demonstration of how many different interpretations one statement can permit.


This is such a good point.
It has been interesting to read how one’s other experiences and views on things makes them see a statement so differently than others do.


I’ve been told someone made a comment to that effect on the YouTube video - and it apparently resonated with others who “liked” it.


Also, in this particular case, those that have strong bias due to having followed the case from the beginning and/or know the defendent and victim.


I thought about this earlier, and I’m wondering how I would’ve perceived this case if I hadn’t read anything on CoTH or heard about any of it previously.

I think I’d have similar thoughts to what I have now. I’m not really on one side or the other, and can see some unsavory behavior all around, but still recognize LK as a victim of a shooting. As to how I feel about MB in respect to a verdict of not guilty or guilty, I’m not 100% sure and need to watch the case in it’s entirety. I’m sort of leaning one way, but I’m not fixed.


If it is who I think it is, and I’m just surmising here, I don’t think we’ll see him and all of his insider knowledge again.

Happy to be proven wrong though.


All courthouses are in need of repair. Also, roaches and bed bugs. Any courthouse where members of the public sit gets bedbugs from time to time.

I can tell you that court workers freak at the sight of bed bugs especially and we do all we can to stay as far away from the public as we can. At least once in your career you’ll be speaking to someone only to find a bug of some sort run across that member of the public.


Maybe if you vacuumed more frequently, these things would not happen.
