Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Our local courthouse has been arguing about whether it’s full of fatal mold or not for about the last decade.

Apparently during the covid absences the mold gained a stronger foothold and now appears to possibly be winning the debate.


I watched the testimony of the two victims. I am very confused as to what happened as told by them. I found L hard to follow because of her speech patterns and circling answers. R less difficult to follow speech pattern wise, but i still have no clear picture in my mind of the event. I suppose the jury can read the court transcripts to clarify? I also imagine that it’s hard to be entirely sure what happened when you had a traumatic event. Like if you are in a car accident sometimes it feels like all of a sudden car is hit and the rest is kind of fuzzy.

I don’t know how much relevance that has to the outcome given the approach of insanity. Now for self defense it may but no evidence was provided to demonstrate the defense’s theory as the judge notes it’s a wild theory w no hard evidence submitted. I wonder what the defense presentation will show. But it appears no evidence exists to support that the defendant was attacked first. Not saying it wasn’t possible but it has to be demonstrated somehow other than by innuendo.


Can’t vacuum and post on COTH simultaneously!! In the past at least.


There is evidence. It’s in front of everyone’s eyes. Not posting what it is though. Just watch the trial.


I attribute that to the drug use. People who use young, and for a prolonged period of time tend to have stunted maturity (around age they started) and it doesn’t catch up much once drug use stops, sadly.


From my own experience (yay being a female), I don’t believe blood fades out of clothing after 2 years.


I didn’t see if anyone else has answered you, but yes, this can and does happen. It depends on the place of incarceration, if you’re in jail, meaning you’re awaiting trial, there are no mh services in most places. There’s some medical care, though.

If you are serving your sentence then there usually are services, but again it depends on the prison and your conditions.


Particularly when they don’t choose to work very hard at acquiring appropriate social skills, staying clean/sober and don’t appeae to want to hit normal social benchmarks with their cohort. I guess she has no incentive to do any of that though as the financial well is deep.




I hope your right.


I’m wondering how 48 Hours might be scrambling how to mesh Lauren’s interview with her testimony?


You know a young woman of means is glorified by advertising. Who would want to leave that part of their life? Being a young, attractive woman, dewy with her fresh emergence into the adult scene is what everyone afford to be! Women want to be her and men want to do her.

Don’t deny it! /s

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Not easy to pull off, particularly when over 40. But as a lowly burger flipper am I in a position to criticize the “job creator” class?


Ok, does anyone have a phone number for the courthouse so we can call and tell them to move that Covid shield out of the way of the live stream camera? Lol.


The jury almost certainly won’t be provided with an entire transcript of the trial. Transcripts are expensive, take time to produce, and are generally prepared after the fact. (Attorneys/parties may sometimes have informal transcripts produced each evening to help them during an ongoing trial but I think that’s more common in high-dollar commercial litigation.) Jurors are supposed to take notes and rely on their memories. So yeah, all of the discussions we are having here about who said exactly what, when, and what did it mean really…they will be having those during deliberations as well.



I don’t know. I rather think that she is taking her time answering Balinkas’s questions because she doesn’t know what he is going to ask her. When she answers the prosecutor’s questions, she answers them fairly quickly. I don’t have a high opinion of her but in my opinion, I think she is smart to take her time. She’s got a lot of lies, fibs and social media posts to keep straight!


Streaming is live and audio is up!

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This was exactly my thought, experience with menstruation.
If you immediately rinse it with water (ie rain), it might fade but generally it doesn’t go fully away.
Same with blood from injured animals or surgery in animal hospital… Unless you immediately wash it, apply peroxide, etc, simply rinsing with water (rain) there will be a faint stain or ring

Unless you immediately put in wash with an enzyme cleaner, etc.

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ETA: I’ve been following this thread and the trial on tv while supposedly working from home. :slight_smile: Thanks to everyone explaining the details of the legal process!