Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Exactly. Ie Enabling.


Somewhat off topic, but there is an opinion piece in the NYT about a young man convicted of murder and sentenced to life with the only real evidence being the words to a rap song he wrote. Shows how juries can be hard to predict.


RG is claiming sole responsibility for the idea of using recording devices and we already know that he bought and installed them himself.


You totally should get into tacos! That’s the new burger, you know.

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Out legal system often doesn’t provide defendants with the best attorneys. If his lawyer was a blah legal aid attorney or just a crap attorney that makes all the difference.

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MB looks very different now than when he did earlier before the jury came in.

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We’re getting to the part where RG is going to be impeached as a witness, due to the recording we heard bits of yesterday. The recording of him and LK/JK meeting with Ed Davis, talking about using devices and having recordings to use against MB. RG is now viewing a transcript of the recording and doesn’t look pleased at all.


Interesting. I thought jurors were discouraged from taking notes.

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Slow at reading.

Can we compromise with burritos?

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Awful long time with no response……


I’ve used meat tenderizer to good effect.

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Burger burritos are a real thing. Someone (I can’t remember which SM platform) just posted a photo of one the other day when they were at a pub :sweat_smile:


MMM, burritos! Signs say yes!

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The jurors here were definitely told at the start not to take notes, which surprised me. I would want to take notes in that situation.


Don’t you love that RG STILL tried to deny his statement until the Prosecutor stipulated it WAS him speaking!


FWIW, I love burritos, especially breakfast ones. I prefer California Tortilla burritos and won’t eat Chipotle burritos, cause Chipotle always has spices.


Wow. It seems NJ permits notes to be taken but I guess this judge prefers not?

“As trials have become more complex, and the information given more difficult to remember and place in perspective, a number of states have made express permission for jurors to take notes during the trial. These states include Arizona, Arkansas, Connecticut, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Although only one state expressly prohibits this practice, in most jurisdictions whether members of a jury are allowed to take notes will depend upon the discretion of the judge. One survey indicated that 37 percent of the judges in state courts indicate they do not allow jurors to take notes during a trial. In federal courts, this matter is also left up to the judge.”


ETA: interesting study on how note-taking by jurors affects recall, even if they aren’t allowed to use their notes during deliberation:


Here we are with the “I don’t remembers”.


Now RG has testified that he was a Marine and trained in firearms and hand-to-hand combat. Walked right into it.