Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Ha, everything else aside I think it is kind of hilarious that the defense attorney and the prosecution witness are sharing a pair of reading glasses.


I noticed the same.

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Gotcha. I’ve never used it but have just looked at the one form 30,000 times.

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But you think RG/LK remember everything and just are avoiding the questions?


I’m not watching the trial right now so I have no firsthand knowledge of what RG is saying. I already said previously that I don’t believe LK or RG have told the truth. The post I was replying to here is about MB. I don’t completely believe MB doesn’t remember anything. I don’t have a problem with people disagreeing with me.


So we’d have seen it on the red shirt then?

I’m not disputing that LK was shot. It’s just so weird that there’s not blood like I’d have been led to expect, although others above did mention that maybe she didn’t really start to bleed until later.

Just one more thing that doesn’t add up, I guess.


Apparently we aren’t allowed to believe that.


Not super relevant, but I cannot even believe that RG and the defense lawyer are basically sharing a pair of reading glasses.

Also, is there a time out clock of some kind for all the sidebars and interruptions? It seems like a pretty good chunk of each day involves sidebars. We’re not even an hour into it today and we’ve already seen several. Is that normal?


No. My comment is directed at not believing MB while remaining silent on the other parties being caught lying repeatedly


Do all these sidebars in the presence of the witness have the potential to impact the witness’s testimony?

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How is a text message hearsay if you are a recipient and it is a written record?


It’s possible that MB has some memory. It might be rather patchy and/or disorganized. Some of it might’ve came back at a later point. It’s also possible that between the trauma and patchy memories he’s genuinely not sure what exactly happened or how, therefore, he has “memories” but they may not be reliable and/or accurate.


Impeaching a witness: a formal showing that a lie was told under oath.

Is used to discredit a witness so the jury doesn’t believe other statements made by that witness.


I still don’t understand what LK’s end game was. She has stated, even after the shooting, that MB was a wonderful trainer. What exactly did they want, to go to all this trouble?


I haven’t done that though - you just enjoy jumping down my throat any chance you get without even checking if you are right about your accusations. It’s a little weird.


Hearsay is an out of court statement (oral or written) admitted to show the truth of what is asserted. Who is hearing it doesn’t matter. There are exceptions and exclusions but the rules are very complicated, which is why there are so many objections and sidebars to argue about that (plus relevance).


This is what I was thinking. Given the physical and emotional trauma he went through, it’s not unsurprising that he doesn’t have a clear enough memory of events to testify.

On the other hand, obviously LK had physical and mental trauma, as well, and RG had some mental trauma as well.

But the sheer amount of things that LK and RG “don’t remember” and “don’t recall” is astounding to me.


Well, really, by the strictest interpretation, the trial should be over by now, then.


Ah, I assumed there’d be some sort of formal statement, not just hoping that the jury caught that the witness lied on the stand.

Regardless, RG and LK aren’t coming across as extremely credible. Rather evasive.


Many lefties (I’m in that group) do certain things with their right hands. The world is set up that way!