Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Why would she text about getting access to office?
Why would that be something to text about? Unless access to that office was somehow important.


Everything with LK is “we, we, we” but RG claims he doesn’t know what the problem at the farm was…?


LK wanted to break him and dominate him. If you look at what she’s posted and said, she sees herself as a Supreme Being, Royalty, High-Class, etc. , which is something her parents apparently instilled into her. She thought that he would break and give her everything she wants, how she wants it, and when she wants it. She didn’t leave MB because if word got out about what she really is and what was going on, it would damn any chance she had at achieving her desire of being “America’s Next Great Dressage Rider!” and an Olympic athlete. Because of the shooting, she was able to go elsewhere, with a smidge of credibility and the benefit of the doubt, but all of that is going away with this trial and the testimony therein.


Now RG is claiming complete ignorance about the problem between LK and MB. Incredible.



RG: You ARE the weakest link.


For some reason I’m getting a mental image of a live fish flip-flopping around in a frying pan.


This is frustrating to watch.


His attorney said it was from before he even got there….from when he left where MHG was being interviewed to after the shooting is blank.

Highlights of RG cross ctd, Day 5 9:15 - 10:05 am:

Audio recordings made from LK’s locker or RG’s “pocket in transport.” (Did I hear that right? Missed his cross yesterday.)

May have discussed recordings with LK, JK, or lawyer. RG texts something along the lines of they know about the recordings, “at least that one hahaha.”

RG testified he doesn’t own gun. When asked if he ever posted a pic of a handgun on his FB he answers, “Perhaps.” Becomes clear that he has. Discussion of RG’s testimony yesterday that he doesn’t know that much about guns. He says he knows gun safety etc but isn’t a “gun guy.” Asked if he was trained on guns in the Marines and he says yes.

Camera installed day before shooting, turned off sometime during the afternoon of the shooting. Mention of 1:42 clip from Blink camera. Sidebar. On 8/7 RG sent 8/6 clip of RC entering house to LK, so camera was working then.

RG not at all concerned about he and LK losing living accommodations on farm.

Did you ever intend on scaring MB? RG: “I dont know what that refers to,” then “I do not believe so.” Shown text between LK, RG, and JK discussing having to scare MB. Hearsay objection, sidebar.

RG not aware LK ever took anything from MB’s office. Sidebar. Shown text (from LK I think?) to refresh, RG says he doesn’t know what it’s in regards to. He then reads the text out loud (whoops, not supposed to do that) and it says something about going into MB’s office.

Asked to leave? Concerned about being “thrown off the property” on 7/25? RG says there was “a little bit of tension” but “they didn’t ask us to leave I think at that date.” RG says he doesn’t understand what the problem at the farm was. Back-and-forth here then sidebar.

Now I’m out for a while.


She wanted MH GONE. MHG was the real target the entire time to get MB to kick her to the curb…to control him.




I’m close to screaming at my screen “Just answer the question dude!” LOL

Have to give some credit to the defense attorney or anyone else in that room for not doing that.


Yes. Agreed. I too am lefty and do everything with my right including shooting.


Why would text message transcripts be considered hearsay? it’s exactly what someone said.


From your keyboard to Karma’s ears.


It’s mind-boggling to me that her father, an attorney, would be an accomplice in all this!


The Dr who operated on her testified she lost a LOT of blood. It’s not up to dispute. I’m not sure why people are trying to pretend like she didn’t get shot (not you).

She was shot and bled a lot, flat lined, as per the Drs testimony. I really can’t see this DR lying on the stand like this.


It is starting to look as though LK did have a plan to have MB removed from the farm property, which would have left it open to take-over by LK, with a pliable and obedient trainer in place, who would be subservient to LK and her wishes.

Notice that the bailiff is standing right there, eye-balling RG and in position to come down on him if need be.


Could someone local to the area go over there with matching wall paint and fix that spot on the molding above where the witnesses sit.
Also, please bring laser pointer, new shirt for Michael, and reading glasses.