Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m about 40 min away but sadly I am also trying to get some work done. :rofl:


Up-end THEIR lives?!?! They didn’t HAVE to go to NJ. No one FORCED them to go.



I would be glad to chip in for all those improvements! Lol.


I don’t think anyone is trying to pretend like she didn’t get shot? People are merely perplexed by the lack of blood on her clothing when she said herself that she was covered in blood, which is why she couldn’t get the(her?) phone to unlock/dial.

Literally no one is doubting the doctor either or saying he lied.

People are trying to understand a confusing situation and wrap their heads around an arguably poorly processed crimescene.



Seriously, it is an impossibility to not know about guns as a Marine, whether that be a handgun or rifle. My husband was an active duty Marine for 13 years with 3 tours until he was medically retired. DH cackled when RG made the statement implying he didn’t know anything about guns because we both believed RG had been an active duty Marine at one time.

I do believe RG may have not made it past boot camp but I can’t find a way to verify that.

If he didn’t make it past boot camp, I believe RGs statement could be true. But to know the gun wasn’t loaded because the slide was back indicates he has more knowledge than he lets on.

ETA: sorry, I can’t figure out how to quote.


Why do I feel like he resented being there and is he about to throw her under the bus?


Is he still in the yellow tie and same shirt?

Well she certainly did it to him enough times, it wouldn’t surprise me.


He enables and supports every single thing she does and he is her bulldog when needed.


I was Juror in February. We asked for a transcript during deliberation and were told we needed to rely on our memories and notes and would not be provided transcripts. Initially we were provided with instructions to pay close attention and take detailed notes.
My trial only lasted 1 week and it seemed like an eternity, I couldn’t imagine being on the jury for this trial. It is a difficult job and takes immense concentration, and self-control to not talk about the case to anyone or look anything up.

Deliberation is even harder to get 12 people to agree on something. We deliberated for 2 days total. They take your phones and lock you up in a meeting room with bathrooms and expect you to come to a decision. After the first 4 hours of deliberation, we felt we were hung, and the judge sent us back to deliberate stating “your jury is as capable as any other jury to come to a decision please return to deliberate”. In the end we were only able to conclude on 3 out of the 4 counts. There was one person who wouldn’t agree to guilty on the 4th count and we spent a whole day trying to convince her on the 4th count and she refused to sway.

The count she couldn’t agree on is the solicitation of Heroin, she said she couldn’t believe the substance was Heroin because the preliminary field test that were done said Meth and the state crime lab said Heroin. She wouldn’t believe the state crime lab was correct. I asked her if that means she didn’t believe any drug case before this that had crime lab evidence, she said that is correct. We even had a chemist in the room trying to explain the tests to her, and she was a nurse! It was very frustrating and 11 of us were pulling our hair out on that second day. I’m glad the judge allowed us to be dismissed even though we were hung on that count.

We were able to bring water bottles into the courtroom but nothing else. Our Judge was wonderful and she was very attentive to our time and understanding of what was being presented. After my experience, watching this is cringeworthy.


And also that he was trained as a Marine in hand to hand combat, which I think is very relevant.

All along LK and RG have been making a big deal about the relative sizes of MB and RG during the altercation.

Except one of them just said under oath he has military training in hand to hand combat, and the other has spent his life riding dressage horses.


Anyone else think RG looks like he just wants to get out of the chair.


It could be a different shirt but it is white. Tie is dark.

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It’s possible, but RG would be homeless and destitute without LK’s money paying for his expenses and providing access to drugs. He has no education, no accredited job skills or credible work history, and an extensive record of criminal charges that include violent offenses and drug-related charges.


I am sure it’s not the first time for them

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Juries generally are not allowed to take notes. They can have testimony read back during deliberations.

**I just finished a federal trial as a juror last week.

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That’s not how it comes across. It seems like some are trying to say she wasn’t shot lol. I think everyone agrees the crime scene was not processed well. This isn’t all that uncommon in crimes unfortunately. LE never seems to be held accountable no matter the case sadly.

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You mean RG?

Yes, I said RG.