Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I wonder if he’s ever faced charges related to drug use, physical altercations, etc such that possession of a firearm would be a legal issue for him?


I wonder if daddy didn’t contact them and tell them to stop the chat or face legal action. That would be typical.


From internal damage. Not bleeding externally or else the clothing would be evidence of external bleeding.

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I actually don’t mind him, for the most part.

It does feel weird when the trial goes on for a bit without him saying anything or a sidebar though :sweat_smile:

Did they turn off the comments because it upset witnesses? The witnesses are also to be honorable and stay off of SM, walk away from newscasts, etc. Surely their word is good enough.


Now RG is trying to answer “I don’t recall/I’m not sure” before the lawyer even finishes the questions.

And now they’re getting to the farrier discussion!


They are going to do it on the morning break.


I pray there are no “good ol’ boys” on the all male jury eating up this jerk’s testimony and arrogant behavior.


Will they get back to the cameras being turned off at any point with Rob

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I’m not sure how relevant the farrier stuff is.

It just occurred to me…I wonder if they somehow know any of the jurors are Marines and hoping for comradeship.


What is this about a juror having something they’re not supposed to?

He has charges for drug possession, assault, burglary, and others, going as far back as the late 90’s, when he would have just gotten out of HS.


The judge should be less concerned with reading the comments and do a better job of being impartial. What a joke!


My first unfavorable opinion occured during the detention hearing (on youtube) towards the end where he said (paraphrasing) we would not be here today if MB did not try to murder two people.

I think he made up his mind that day that he was guilty.


And it will to some others too. I just want to make it clear the question of whether the victim was shot is not up for debate in the trial.

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Court officer just now when sound back on, was whispering to judge something about jurors hearing …during the sidebar

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What happened? I must have missed something.

I heard a whisper that the prosecution has information they shouldn’t have from defence :eyes: my guess is the farriers name?


Those don’t restrict gun possession, ownership?