Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Well that was interesting timing for the forum to go down :eyes::eyes::eyes:



My heart attacked a little when the forum went down. I missed so much of the livestream… I enjoy reading/watching in tandem.


was feeling somewhat lost… :upside_down_face:


What caused the forum to go down? Does the judge have that much power??


I had to check I didn’t get banned :rofl:


Are we in for a prompt 9am Monday outage as well?!?!


Anyone able to recap what went on while the forum was down?

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I wouldn’t be surprised.

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Very suspicious timing for the BB to go down, but whatever. Lol.

For those who missed it at the very end of the trial today, the defense attorney was telling the other attorney that he was planning to subpoena the lawyer who was on the phone during the altercation over the weekend, if I heard him correctly. And then they turned the microphone off. It’s very unfortunate that they figured out to do that by now. Lol.

I do sort of wonder how often they have an online trial with this many spectators. I’m guessing maybe this is a little more traffic than they usually see on their live stream.


No one is pretending like she didn’t get shot. No one. We are commenting on her repeated assertions that her arms and hands and clothes were covered in blood.

yes she was shot twice. Yes she bled a lot … yes, she did. Yes, she did.

She did not, however, find herself wearing blood-soaked clothing at the scene, where her arms, hands, and phone were covered in blood. That is what she asserted, and that is what the hoodie demonstrates to be false.

this is not a complicated topic.


I thought it was the COTH April’s Fools Day joke of the century!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Payback for all the whiny flagged posts they deal with!


Recap from vague memory:

RG continued some testimony. My brain fogged out on him because I hate awkward confrontation. He got caught up a bit on where everyone was standing when during the shooting. Lauren ran away a few steps after, did he or didn’t he actually witness the shooting? It’s a bit unclear. He presented to me as very unlikable and rude. You are at a trial. You are in front of a judge and jury. State your story and answer the questions. He got in Bilinkas’s face a bit and even Taylor told him to stop.

Then we had a cop for crime scene recreation. There was talk about the bullet that went through the window of the door. Trajectory was ‘upward’ with a 14degree line from about the front of the truck. Shot could have come off of any point on that line.

Then a gun expert talking about all the workings of all the 4 (!?) guns they took off the crime scene. I honestly know nothing of guns and was not very interested in his testimony. My take away was that there was no way that an uneducated gun person would be able to tell that there were no bullets left, or that it was jammed.

Court was let out early due to Judge Taylor declaring “It’s Friday and that’s a good enough reason!”

Bilinkas will issue a subpoena for Ed Davis(?) - Lawyer on the phone - over the weekend. Mic cut.


I missed the end of RC’s testimony and cross. Was there ever any reason stated by RC as to why she gave the gun to MB?

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It seemed awfully “coincidental” that the COTH forum crashed right after the judge made Law & Crime take down the live chat … but then again, the forum has been a bit busier than usual … well this thread anyway


Initially I thought people from the L&C live chat flooded here, but they went somewhere else, actually. This forum was mentioned on the live chats. Some people on Twitter had posted links to this forum/threads.

I wonder if this will go down on Monday during the trial, and I also wonder if the judge heard that LK and IM were viewing the forums… but it seems strange that that would result in social media/forums being shut down rather than witnesses reprimanded.

It’ll be interesting to see if the videos of today’s trial are posted to the YouTube channel for viewing later, or if we’re limited to only live stream, if that’s even available on Monday.

To be honest, I’m not completely clear on the judge’s rationale for shutting off the livestream.


Not that I recall. Her testimony is available on youtube. All the previous testimonies are there.

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For the time being, anyway. I’m hoping to find time to review that tonight.

Hi all, I have been very quiet but reading all the comments. I was called to testify and was expecting to be there next week but the judge ruled against me testifying yesterday. I was looking forward to being on the stand too.


I’m picturing all the true crime people clicking around our forum to see if all horse people are that crazy…

Also kind of reminds me of clicking around the fish forum that the maestro posted on, and thinking about how many weird niche hobbies there are in the world.



They finished with the cross-examination of RG, with the continued pauses for sidebars, discussions, etc. Then they stopped for the lunch break.

After the lunch break they had two expert witnesses. The first one talked about the path of the bullet that went through the house at the crime scene. They put up diagrams and showed pictures. He said he was able to determine the path of the bullet, but he could not say exactly where that path started, only the trajectory of it.

The second expert witness was there to talk about the handgun that was used, and verifying that it was functional.

They also had three other handguns there, so I’m guessing maybe they were the other guns that were in the safe? If anyone said exactly where those guns came from, I missed it. At least one of those guns was not operational, because it was missing the firing pin. The defense lawyer did ask one question regarding that gun, to which the expert replied that he had no way to tell how long the gun had not been operational.

They were not quite finished with the testimony of the gun officer, but they decided to stop for the weekend anyway. They said the prosecutor will probably finish up on Monday morning with another witness or two, and then the defense will present their case starting Monday afternoon.