Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

It is also the same lawyer who was recorded when they (RG, LK, and JK) discussed surveillance.


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The livestream will still stream Monday. Just the “chat” is off

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If the live streams were going to be stopped, I would think that they would have just turned the camera off this morning. The live stream chat was full of people calling for mistrials and accusations of bribery, in addition to calling the witnesses liars and accusing them of being high. It was no longer discussing the testimony.


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I presume COTH was down because LK and IM have been reading the forum, finding out about testimony of other witnesses which is being discussed here. It could mean a mistrial if they have been, and possibly the “watchers” for the judge had to collect data? I don’t know.

I do know that for me, don’t know about anyone else, I can no longer read any (dressage so far) forums or threads without logging in. Its possible they shut down the forum to install some code that you have to be logged in to read the forums. At least Dressage, at this time. It might have been a glitch, but that’s what I encountered just now.

Correction: I just checked again, and I certainly CAN read these threads without logging in, so I am wrong. Sorry.


Well… it was sort of discussing the testimony.


The expert gun witness stated the other automatic weapon the small silver handgun was missing the firing pin and a clip. The other revolver wasn’t working either but I missed why.

Also, I’m pretty sure those are saddle pads they used to show the bullet ricochet lol


I asked CoTH about the forum crash coincidence with the live stream chat stopping and was told it was a legitimate system issue and they were working as fast as possible to restore the forums.


I think that’s more on how the defence attorney is formulating his questions

I hate to sound suspicious, but… I’m suspicious.


That’s what I presumed as well, but it seems odd to me that instead of reprimanding LK and IM, they shut the forum down. If LK or IM were reprimanded privately, we would never know, but it’s frustrating that that only way there is to keep them from reading is to shut down the forum, if that is the case.


Excuse for my saddle pad collection…… they stop bullets :joy:


While I agree the timing is interesting, it wouldn’t make sense to bring the forum down during court time just to bring it all back up after court.


Interesting about the upward trajectory. I am not a gun or evidence expert, but I have fired a number of guns (former military) and it does not make sense that a man the height of MB (6’ 3") firing center mass towards a shorter person (assuming, don’t know LKs height) would have an upward trajectory. I believe the story is that MB started shooting as he was walking or moving towards LK? Did the defense attorney question this?


I mean, if they wanted to find out about the testimony of other witnesses, wouldn’t they just watch the replay on YouTube?


Yes he questioned it at length

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Now we all have a legitimate justification for saddlepads at home.


Same here!

Kind of fascinating it came back shortly after court was done, though.