Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

And what was the outcome? Was there an explanation?

I’m a bad person to rely on, but the gist was, IIRC, that it’s possible that the bullet came from down/below (as though MB was on the ground at the time), as the trajectory etc would be right, but there’s no way to know for sure if MB was on the ground or not when he shot.


Even the Law and Crime network commented on LK and RG’s poor reputation and conflicting testimony (that LK testified that she only beat MB in the head for a few seconds but had been on record stating she and RG beat him for 7 minutes).

L&C commented that LK/RGs poor reputation (IE social media posts) and conflicting stories may cause the jury to have very little sympathy for them as victims and lead to an acquittal.[]

Starts at 1:09.


Correction: I just checked again, and I certainly CAN read these threads without logging in, so I am wrong. Sorry.


I believe the idea was that the shot with the upward trajectory was aimed at RG as he tried to run back into the house, according to the LK/RG version of events.

I believe when the defense lawyer was questioning RG earlier, he asked several questions that seemed to pertain to the idea of MB’s height, LK’s height, the angle of the shot, etc. But it did not seem very definitive to me. Or maybe the judge just stopped him before he got very far with it.

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The bullet could have come from any point between the front of MB’s truck to where it went through the window. It was also possible that one of the bullets that hit LK could have also hit the window…


Oh, maybe that’s where the missing bullet from her shoulder went?

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What I find fascinating, in a not good way, is that LK seems to (according to her testimony) post on social media both veiled and overt threats with little regard to the consequence. She comes off as shrugging, “oh that’s just what I do, silly little me! nothing to see here!”

Yet when posters on here make statements against her, or even relatively benign comments about karma, she is all over the help forums complaining and flagging everything.


I also wonder if it creates enough doubt that the bullet into the house was a stray because he was on the ground being beaten, and it would also imply that most of this was self defense, and not necessarily purposeful, but imply wild shots, ergo doubt about him intending to “murder”.


I have to say that seven minutes is a long freaking time to be beating somebody over the head. I mean, put a potato in the microwave for seven minutes to cook it and see how long that takes. That’s a long time.

If he was getting beaten over the head for seven minutes, no wonder he has memory loss. He’s lucky he didn’t end up in worse shape from such a beating.

Plus didn’t it sound like MB was unconscious for at least part of that time, according to RG’s testimony? Why would you be beating him over the head if he was already unconscious?

And where exactly would that seven minutes fit into the timeline of the events, since LK and/or RG said that the police showed up almost instantly as soon as they called 911? Does that mean they beat MB unconscious for seven minutes and then called 911?

I will say I’ve learned more about the parts and function of handguns today than I have ever known in my entire life.


I could see that being the plan.
How is the defense going to justify borrowing a gun from RC days in advance of the shooting?


A judge from NJ does not have the jurisdiction to shut down anything outside the State of NJ.

If you live in California and get subpoenaed from NJ you do not have to answer it UNLESS a judge from your state so orders it.

That would happen if the State of NJ needed your testimony to something like a murder trial. It would not happen in the case of a slander or libel suit. In that case if you owned anything in NJ you should go. If not, wipe your butt with it.


I’d like to point out, it seems to me alot of the Judge’s nixing of Bilinkis’s questions are on questions which rightfully should be part of the defense’s turn next week. He asks things which are not part of the witnesse’s testimony at the time, but which could be admissible if called by bilinkis later. Does that make sense?


It would seem that the judge said “no live stream or no live broadcast.” Would that be within his rights to do?

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They were talking about the bullet shot at RG, not LK.

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To keep it safe and locked up so no one uses it would be my reason.


@haleybot, hope you are doing ok.


So Bilinkas can only ask certain questions when it’s his turn? I wondered about that.


Agree completely. I have TBI and I wonder if he has the same. Memory loss is a real thing. Mine is effected as well.

RG stated he punched him and then put him in chokehold and he passed out quickly. So why he needed to be beat for 7 minutes when he was not holding a gun is beyond me.

Why wouldn’t they take the gun away immediately?


And then the psychotic break, retrieve the gun from the safe, and shoot in self defense while mentally incapacitated?