Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Also that he didn’t own a gun but then posted on to his FB page (which doesn’t mean he has a gun, just that he posted a picture of one), but certainly nods to that he’s not unfamiliar with them.


The sad thing about all of this is that unless there is bombshell evidence that comes in from either side between now and the end of the trial, we may never truly know what happened that day. All we really have is the word of two self-admitted dishonest, untrustworthy, and vindictive people. :pensive:


Me too!

Maybe MB will speak his side one day.


One thing I noticed with RG is that when the defense attorney asked him to read, he had a difficult time grasping what to read and had to borrow the attorneys glasses.

When the prosecutor asked him similar things, he could find the correct place on the page, and read unaided.


Or, then he puts two and two together that there is a missing gun on the property, goes to look and finds it missing from the safe (now we know LK was bragging that she had access to the office where the safe is) and goes up to the house to try to make all things right, because these people are now stealing guns for pity’s sake.


There have been big internet issues since Sunday with various internet sites, and I suspect a lot of updating, and other computer work is going on a lot of sites.


Funny that he shows up to an attempted murder trial without an ability to see a document in front of him. What a joke.


LK seemed to be doing her own version of this when she was on the stand. She had to ask the defense to repeat so many questions and seemed lost and confused, but suddenly no trouble understanding and following along with the prosecution’s questions.


How would she know unless she had done so?


I got curious and looked it up and have your answer. MB approached RC at around Midnight in the aisle of the barn. Asked her to go get her gun out of the car. She got the gun, and he took it. She didn’t asked why he wanted it. Shocking.

Topic starts at 1:16 on this link


Yes. Unless she had done so, or tried to already and succeeded.

Also, I have no idea about this one, but I have been in offices with safes where the safe is left door open alot of the time, alot of the time. Not that it would be smart, or even much of the time, but if it was some of the time? Not to say this was a practice here, but its entirely possible someone would think they might also have had access to this safe.


Thanks, ToN_Farm, for searching for that.

I find it astounding that someone would just hand over a gun with no questions, particularly in light of the overall tense situation.


If he knew she was leaving the gun in her truck he might have wanted to put it in the safe? So that it wasn’t where he thought they could access it?


A mental health expert at that, who knew he wasn’t in a good mindset and a toxic environment.

She’s lucky she made a deal. She’s culpable.


LK did the same thing.


She also may have overheard MB giving out the safe combination at some point on a recording.


Well, you’ll have to listen to more than a 30 second clip of RC ‘s testimony to understand.

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I know very little about guns, but I have family members who are familiar with gun safety and gun laws.

My impression is that the gun owner is ultimately the one responsible for their weapon, and keeping it safe and secure.

I agree that she is culpable.


I listened from that point until the end… So I’m not sure what you’re getting at.

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