Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Did the seven minutes thing come from anyone but LK and/or RG? If not, I wouldn’t waste my time pondering it too much since they can’t keep anything straight. They’re just throwing numbers and words out there without even thinking.


I believe the first officer on the scene testified that he got there within about a minute after the 911 operator told him about it, because he was only about a mile away, or something like that. And the 911 operator said she had somebody on the way pretty darn close to the start of a call, the way I heard it.

And the second officer to arrive was also quite close by when he got the call, I believe.


She was a regular to the farm. She probably knew about the safe and it was implied he was locking it up because of something else going on that hasn’t been made known.


If I asked for a gun that I knew was in someone’s car (many folks on farms never lock their cars) it would be for me to take it and put it away and the safe in a locked office makes perfect sense.

No idea if he locked the safe that was in an office that could be locked.


What she’s getting at is trying to make a good excuse for RC.

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That assumption is logical, but according to RC he they didn’t discuss what he was doing with the gun. I am sure she regrets her part in this now.

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In the Dellen Mallard case here in Ontario, the man who sold him the gun went to jail. For a good time considering Canadian sentencing. Lucky LK survived for RC


I believe RG explained that at one point by saying the print was bigger. Whether or not that was actually true… :woman_shrugging:


LK said something about the last 7 minutes of her life, and trying to help Rob. Somehow it got translated to her hitting him with the phone for 7 minutes. That’s hard for anyone to believe.


I agree, that would be logical.

But why, now, does he suddenly want to lock up the gun? Is this the first trip she brought it on? Is this the first he’s heard of it? Or is this a common thing that they had going on (it wasn’t made out to be).

RC giving the gun to MB effectively removed it from her control.

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And then some.

Makes me wonder if there was more discussion of this gun that has been brought forward.

Again, they were being terrorized. It might have been understood that her truck was not a safe place for it to be. It seems that LK/RG were a lurking around at night that might have been an accurate assumption. It is reasonable to think the safe was a better option, even if he was starting to lose it by then.


Because things were getting worse.


So then wouldn’t the same thing apply to their description of what happened in the altercation?

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MHG was asked if she saw LK hiding in the woods with a flashlight that was being shined in the windows. She said “no, that was MB”.

Maybe it coincided with a LK or RG FB post about guns or other threatening thing.


I can totally see that.

I could ABSOLUTELY see them discussing the situation at the farm, concern about the gun getting into the wrong hands, MB offering to lock it in the safe, her agreeing.

But according to MC’s testimony, they didn’t even discuss that. MB wanted to see the gun, and then walked off with it toward the office. No mention was made of him putting it in the safe to keep it safe.

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Remind me of what was said, who said it: MB was going to install cameras around the barn. Did LK imply she was going to disable them, remove them, destroy them?


I heard that, yes, but I don’t know where the information came from. I believe LK was asked about that in one of her sessions.

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