Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think a lot of the controversy and drama surrounding the case is that the victim is just so incredibly unlikeable and therefore people have a hard time relating to her. I know that’s how it was for me … MB was a name I recognized but really didn’t know much about beyond him being a fairly big name dressage trainer. Meanwhile the victim is a woman not too far off from my age, someone I would expect to be able to relate to at least to some degree … and yet she just comes across as so thoroughly awful, with her bouncing wildly from the “look what a badass I am” bravado to “I’m just a little tiny woman scared of a big bad scary man” to “you MUST sympathize with me, I’m a victim” to making threats of legal action and/or violence to proclaiming her superior intelligence over everyone about absolutely everything. Not to mention her absolute unwillingness to admit that she’s ever been wrong about anything or done anything wrong, despite having a history of criminal activity, violence, and drug use. She is someone who has seemingly been handed everything in life, and instead of just taking advantage of all those privileges she’s been granted and enjoying her fancy imported horses, she has felt the need to manipulate and stir up trouble, over and over.

Of course, her being an awful person doesn’t make MB innocent.

I’ve already seen a few layperson commenters on YouTube and twitter saying things like “see I knew horse women were crazy!” and it’s frustrating to see her giving us all a bad name :joy:


We shall see.

Not much harder than getting the safe combo by setting up a camera so you could see the safe opened, perhaps?


That person is in the thread, maybe they can elaborate?

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Because it’s still the Prosecutions turn. Once the Prosecution rests then the Defense can do their thing.


What matters about 48hrs after the trial? The trial is what matters.


I don’t believe she did?

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I wanted to see if it works like Beetlejuice.



Back to all the blood discussion. It is hot water and body heat over time that sets blood stains, not cold or tap water.

Menstrual blood washes out of sensible white cotton panties if soaked in cold tap water and scrubbed for a few minutes with bar of liquid hand soap. It comes out of sheets the same way, mattress covers, and mattresses. Blood on carpet can be cleaned the same way. So if someone dies from bleeding out on the carpet from peptic ulcers, there is a restoration company that can clean all that and nothing shows. If the dog or kid has a cut foot or bloody nose and bleeds across the floor, that can all be cleaned with a wet towel and hand soap or tide so long as it is done within a day and the house doesn’t get hot. Now if you wad up the panties and sheets and throw them in the wash on hot water with bleach that stain will be there forever but it will be a faded tannish brown. It can just rinse out of a lot of synthetics so boos on couches, etc. may corn out really well. Your pets and the police may always know it was there but your guests and family won’t. If fresh blood is getting soaked with rain, it will rinse away. Once it dries it takes a little more effort. So long as it doesn’t get exposed to heat or start to break down with time, it comes out.

Those of y’all stating otherwise have never done your own laundry and it shows.

Edited to add that when feminine hygiene products are flushed down the commode, they wash clean in the sanitary sewer water and expand their shape floating lightly along in the current when seen on pipe condition assessment videos and were nicknamed water lilies by my coworkers and water treatment plant workers.


And I believe the expert stated yes, the shooter could have been down on the ground shooting upwards.

That trajectory is interesting, considering how tall MB is.


No, he got reamed for paraphrasing by not using the word iPhone. Everything else was the same.

If anyone want so watch just that section, it’s in the link to law & crime commentary just a bit up thread.


My specialty is vacuuming but I’m still pretty sure the police or EMTs or hospital staff didn’t handwash LKs stuff with a bar of Ivory soap prior to placing it in an evidence bag.

As far as rain magically disappearing the blood so well? I’m thinking menstruating women aren’t rushing to lay their naughties outside for the next spring shower, front and back, lying on the grass.

Or on the porch.

Or in the house.

Or on the patio.

Almost a nice try, but no.


You know who is doing a lot of laundry tho? :wink::smile::smile:


The only way it matters is what the Kanareks expect the show to do in presenting LK as a princess and MB/MH being the evil horrible people. Now, before you do your typical pounce of “but she was the one shot by MB”, you may see a different, quite believable scenario next week. Regardless, the Kanareks expect to be portrayed in a very positive light by the show. 48 Hours is also videoing in the gallery (or have negotiated with L&C for use of their video).


Did we ever hear anything about LK’s crowing about “a missing gun” on the forums?


Beetlejuice is a strange fellow.

I can only assume that a technological sorcerer as powerful as the one Lady LaLa Vizzini accused of enchanting her phone must have been to blame for the dark magic that took down this forum during the afternoon, so I went out swashbuckling for a bit. But this farm boy is once again here, at your service.


Maybe that will be fleshed out more next week.



I believe someone (maybe Sdel?) posted links to prior discussions upthread a bit.

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Good luck with that.