Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I’m thinking a lot of these loose ends will be addressed once Bilinkas has the floor.

You have more faith in Blinikas than I do then


My suspicion is he no longer needs what those witnesses could offer since LK admitted to lying, threatening, and harassing on SM. Perhaps he found what he needs from other witnesses he will recall.

I’m wondering if IM is still on his list. Though IM said here he didn’t know what he could offer, I suspect he can offer a tremendous amount…that is if he can remember.


I said early on that he was coming across as a real train wreck but that I expect he’ll be better with his own witnesses. We’ll see.

Actually most of her former trainers refuse to speak about her.
And honestly she seemed like an average crazy horse lady when I first met her.


I would expect that if RC was a Marine , the defense would have at least checked his record regarding the time he was enlisted (I can’t believe he was an officer.)

Many people here seem convinced that he’s lying about being a Marine.

If he is lying, the defense surely knows it. In this hypothetical, (never a Marine), the defense attorney’s choice to say “you are/were a Marine, right?” and to let RC reply “yes” without contradiction, would have to be some strategy to bring up the lie during the defense’s case.

That seems odd to me, I would think the attorney would expose the (hypothetical) lie while trying to impeach RC as a witness, unless he was giving RC more rope to hang himself for some odd reason.


I wonder if it would have been more valuable for the defense lawyer to get the information on the record about RG’s hand to hand combat training.


I don’t think RG or LK have been impeached yet, right?
I think their credibility is definitely in question, though.

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Today Balinkas stated he was impeaching RG


I need to go back and watch Ruth Cox’s testimony… was there any mention of the supposed neglect of animals and children’s living conditions in there?

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Did I miss it happening?

Stating it doesn’t mean he did it effectively

No. It was all that testimony when RG was red faced getting louder and sweaty


I think he did. Many inconsistencies came out.


So when a witness is impeached, nothing happens? They get to keep witnessing?
I assumed there’d be some formal statement.

Clearly I have no background in this.


It’s questioning done in such a way as to attack a witness’ credibility and show the jury he’s full of it and shouldn’t be believed.


Will RG or LK be back on the stand again?

If they impeach RG, will that be done during this case or outside of the courtroom?

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Unknown if they will be called back. My guess is yes.

Impeachment is done while the witness is on the stand offering sworn testimony.

It’s not like Presidential impeachment but rather questioning done to show the jury that witness is not being truthful.


So there are no consequences for a witness who lies under oath? Do they not get arrested for perjury at some point? Or at least not allowed to testify any further in that trial?


Trying to sort this out in my brain.
LKs attny was on the phone from up in the apartment with rob “before” the shooting and remained on the phone the entire time until when?

Will this attny be questioned about hearing an earlier argument? A fight? Gun shots? Surely an attorney wouldn’t risk his credentials by impeaching himself, right?

I would have thought that he would have been called by the prosecution, unless im missing something.


That’s not up to the defense.

I imagine the DA could choose to do it. Maybe in NJ the judge. They are more worried about the case though.

One thing is possible- if a mistrial is declared the State may not chose to prosecute again.