Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The fact that attorney was NOT called by the prosecution but rather by the defense is rather interesting, eh?


As in, the state is not allowed to prosecute again after a mistrial? Or the state might decide not to prosecute again?

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One more thing, sorry.

At the end is RG cross, blinkis tried to interject something about RG breaking into MHG apt (presumably about the cat litter and photos) but where else was he going with that. I fully expected a bomb to be dropped but I don’t see how that would have been a huge thing considering everything else these 2 have done.

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That is quite interesting. :thinking:

I thought he was trying to bring up the accusation that RG had threatened MHG‘s 11-year-old kid, which I believe has been mentioned on previous threads. And could have possibly provided even more of a reason for MB to feel scared. But that got shut down in a hurry.


You think that’s what’s going to happen? Wow. This is getting very interesting (didn’t think that was possible, to get more interesting)

The State can choose either not to go to trial again, or to go to trial again.

Not to be argumentative, just clarifying. There are many military installations where all branches of the military have units/detachments.

For example, at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in NJ, there is a contingent of Active Duty and Reserve Marine Corps personnel.

(I still think RG is lying about just about everything. If he were ever in the USMC, I could imagine his leadership
wanting to get him discharged).


At the very end of the trial today, just before they turned the microphones off, the defense attorney said he was planning to serve LK/RG‘s lawyer with a subpoena over the weekend.



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That just doesn’t seem like someting he would have really presented like that. Like a final declaration. It seemed to have more importance to the case then just that MB was once again scared.

I couldn’t say. That was just my theory.

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What about MH’s dad? Was it him or a neighbor in the driveway calling 911?

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One thing that struck me: There was such a HUGE contrast in witnesses. MHG, JH, and RC were polite and respectful to all parties in the courtroom. They could read (and were prepared to read if they needed glasses to do so), they answered clearly and concisely, rarely needed anything repeated/clarified, they were caught in zero lies, they never stooped to pettiness – MHG was particularly poised and even kind towards LK. Very professional demeanours and never wasted everyone’s time with games – just truthful and straightforward and came across as likeable and intelligent.

By contrast LK/RG: Confused, couldn’t recall (or “confused” and “couldn’t recall”?) so much, openly disrespectful of defence, RG couldn’t read and didn’t have his glasses (was this meant to be a tactic, b/c it came off as sloppy and dumb – who arrives somewhere without glasses if they need glasses?), rambling mumbled answers, caught in lies and games repeatedly, and stories not matching/changing wildly. Completely shambolic.

I guess RG thought his whole act on the stand was ‘tough guy’, but the way it read was disrespectful, arrogant, and defensive - as if he had a lot to hide. I’m not even saying he did; but that is the impression that that kind of belligerence and lack of straightforwardness left. Like, the way when they are shown their own written statements they still don’t admit to saying what they said, they say “it seems I said that” “I see the words there” “I don’t recall but I guess I did”. That comes off as lying and not very bright, not clever word play.

Whoever prepped them did a really bad job - or they didn’t listen. The impressions expressed on here, in the video feed chat, and on other platforms where this case is being discussed were universally negative, even from people who identify as supporting the prosecution side. Those performances did them no favours.

Edited to mention JH: he was also so polished and polite and answered things clearly and efficiently. Seemed bright and likable and respectful.

As a juror I’d be absolutely exhausted and exasperated with the games of asking again and again for repetition and taking sooooooooo long to read a couple lines of text and someone being so disrespectful of my time and the process that they didn’t even come prepared to read. It would really put me off those witnesses and I think it’s a bad move to turn people off like that.


Might not decide.

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I’m surprised he hasn’t already been subpoenaed


@Knights_Mom, what might possibly be problematic at this point for a mistrial to occur?

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It sounds like the defense attorney is adjusting his strategy based on the testimony from other witnesses, since he said he had decided to drop a few people from his witness list. So maybe something happened this week to change his mind? Again, just a theory.


My mother always told me, “you can’t change your social class” (no matter how well your coached)


Based on the prosecutor’s expression in the last couple of days… :thinking: