Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

So wait, all those panties in menstrual stains all I had to do was put them outside in a good rain and they would have been fine? Darn it. If only I had this amazing advice lots of years back. Soaking in cold water with soap never did the trick for me. Maybe my blood was not as special as the blood being discussed here.


I don’t know NJ law but in my state a hung jury. Jury hearing something they shouldn’t. Stuff like that.

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Ok, thank you!

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Oof. Considering how long this whole thing has already dragged on, it would be a shame if it got dragged out even longer over something like that.


Yes plus the rain will penetrate a jacket to the shirt underneath. Or of the jacket is removed for a pressure bandage to be applied to stop bleeding the rain will penetrate that as well. Evenly. On all garments. Even under arms.


Here you go dears.

Then why does my horse’s turn out still look so gross? Shouldn’t this same theory apply to pee stains on a turn out?

I do truly feel like I missed some neat trick on getting blood stains out from those who insist they rinse right out easily. I had lots of stained things.

Edit to add - Hut, that is all dandy, but it just does not work. Or, I guess I will say, it never worked for me.


Apparently one of Lauren’s sisters was present for her testimony. Her parents have been in the gallery, but were in another room during her testimony.

ETA better link


I’ve wondered if they are two people, or if the neighbor, who heard shouting/shots walking his dog and called 911 is actually MHGs dad


It sounded to me like MHG’s dad had come from out of town to help with the situation. But I don’t know that for a fact.

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You do know that once she was put in the ambulance or got to hospital the clothes were removed and put in plastic bags as evidence, yes?

They were not washed dear.

Rain doesn’t uniformly wash away blood dear.


I was waiting for the incident where RG threatened the two working student kids


But does he live with that hanging over his head forever, what is statute of limitations on these charges?

Maybe that’s still ahead if the defense calls him back to the stand next week.

Show of hands. Who thinks every witness will follow the judge’s instructions not to discuss their testimony with anyone?


From The Daily Record link:
In response to defense attorneys’ questions, Kanarek on Thursday said after she was shot, Goodwin had subdued Barisone on the ground. She went and got her cellphone, she said, and used it to hit Barisone on the face and cheek for “several seconds” to subdue him. She later said she “probably said” on social media that she spent seven minutes “breaking my phone in (Barisone’s) cheek and in his ear.”

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The overflowing cat box?
I didn’t hear it.


What is meant by “impeach” is to shown obvious discrepancies in their testimony that an average juror would be able to see. He clearly did that today.

It’s up to the court if they want to go so far as perjury. I think that has to be a really blatant lie for perjury charges.


I just don’t think either one of them is preppable. Even if someone had eternity to coach them, the end result would have been exactly the same.


He may have to be released according to whatever the laws of NJ are. The S of L was probably on hold due to Covid.

In my state murder has no S of L. Attempted murder in NJ don’t know. Would have to Google but remember covid messes with the count.

But as a comparison personal injury civil case is 3.5 years from the time of the injury or when the injury should have been discovered.

Stuff like that is like for a sponge left in someone after surgery might take some time to discover.

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The defendant has a right not to testify. He can’t be compelled to be a witness against himself.

So they can call him, and he can refuse.