Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I have watched most of this morning’s court, and am still cringing at how Bilinkis presents. My husband wondered if he was the reason MB was so upset!
Interesting that yesterday RG came wearing a suit and tie, and had his glasses with him (I noted him putting them in his shirt pocket. He wasn’t as well put together today. I can’t fathom not bringing glasses to an event where you can expect to need to read.
And I would STILL like someone to ask LK WHY she started this vendetta with MB ! What did she want to happen?
Is the farrier testimony in the first or second half of RG’s testimony this morning, before I put myself through another 2 hrs of this excruciating trial!
I hope someone writes a book about this…


Question about the bullet trajectories.

IIRC, one of the summaries posted here said that the surgeon mentioned damage to a lower lobe of LK’s lung.

Can someone with knowledge of such issues describe how that could occur? Weren’t the entrance wounds quite high up on her upper chest - almost in the shoulder area? So a round would have had to travel nearly straight down her torso - correct?

Why would someone direct a shot in that way? I know there is quite a size disparity between MB and LK, but it sounds as though they would have to be nearly face to face with him holding the gun against her shoulder (or very nearly on her shoulder), but with the muzzle pointed down toward the ground. I can’t fathom why or how that could occur, unless they were already grappling for the gun when it went off.

What am I missing?


I believe there were wrestling for the gun when it discharged.


If a re-trial becomes necessary, I would hope they would let MB out, or at least move him to a mental health facility or some place where he could get some help and see some sunshine while he waits this time.


If for some chance there was a hung jury or similar and the State did not want to retry, would the SS ban be lifted?

Or better put: I don’t for a minute believe he came down there with the intent to kill but tryint to be tricky by saying let’s make nice nice and then lifted the gun and fired. It just doesn’t make sense. He knew authorities were on property AND others returning. It was middle of the day with a bunch of people there.


No comment.

The line of questioning today with RG seems to indicate so.


According to the timestamp on my earlier post about the subject, the farrier came up 10 hours ago, if that helps.

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I had a similar thought, but also being as I am 5-2, remember that the lung area is just not that large on someone petite. It could be the difference of about an inch and a half. Since he was taller than she, the closer she moved towards him, the lower the trajectory would go as the angle becomes more acute.

Without an expert, I don’t want to put too much stock into my thoughts on this. I just don’t know, but that was my immediate feeling - she was moving towards him and thus the second shot was lower than the first.


Perhaps next week when the defense presents their case.

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And, if so then it’s not attempted murder and it is self defense at worse or accidental discharge.


I agree, because personalities like these know better than anyone else. We’ve all read LK’s authoritarian posts about random topics!


Right? Smart enough to get to the Olympics twice and that was the best plan he could come up with?


Sure sounds like it to me too, despite her saying at one point that he just raised the gun up and shot her as soon as she started to walk toward him.

And apologies if I have it wrong - I haven’t been able to watch the video and have been trying to keep up to speed by reading comments here but I am sure I have missed a lot of testimony.


I don’t think LK and RG are coachable. I think LK’s posts on the forum indicate she seems to think she is untouchable.



I believe one of Bilinkas’ first questions to LK was to ask how tall she is. She said 5’4”.

Have to say that RG’s testimony was totally geared to muddying the waters on who was where when the shots were fired. A lot of contradictions and defensiveness.

Edited to add that is probably a gamble because the person who would know that for a fact can’t remember what happened.

In any event, the purpose here would not be to prove it but to create reasonable doubt.


Where do or who do, you believe had or brought the gun?

On this one I am going to say “TOLD YOU SO”

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I just don’t know. It could have been him for numerous reasons. It could have been them for numerous reasons.

It could have been brought by anyone and then wrestled for and discharged.

But the one thing I don’t believe for a minute beyond a reasonable doubt is that MB went to the house with the intent to kill.