Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I suggest everyone prepare for a rough, emotional week next week. I’m positive Bilinkas will present the photos of MB’s extensive injuries and will probably have medical personnel to testify to the extent of the injuries.

Funny, I haven’t heard, “I had a good life” all week or did I miss it?


If he wasn’t of right mind like suggests, he could make bad and or irrational choices.


I tend to agree with you


I guess like everything, each of us can have a different interpretation.

Here’s the link and that part of the conversation starts around 137:31

Bilinkas: How long were you beating Michael Barisone with your phone?
LK: A couple seconds
Bilinkas: Are you sure about that?
LK: Yeah pretty sure.
Bilinkas: Do you recall previously saying that you used your 7 minutes to keep MB
subdued by breaking my phone in his cheek and in his ear?
Do you recall saying that you were beating him for 7 minutes?
LK: Shaking head no.
Judge interrupts: Wait a minute Mr. Bilinkas, that’s not what it says.


Thanks for the input. But both entrance wounds were still quite high up. So again, the muzzle would have had to be pointed almost toward the ground for the round to enter high up on her chest and travel down to the lower lobe of her lung.

I am certainly no expert but it sure seems to me that they had to have been already grappling with each other when the gun went off.


Yes, you missed it. One of the police officers testified about it.


Transcribe the next few lines. That’s the crucial information, unless you are leaving it out purposely.


I always took “I had a good life” as a lamentation of disbelief that his good life had been taken away by the manipulations of his student and maybe someone once thought of as a friend long ago.


Thank you!

Me too!

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No, I’m not purposely leaving anything out. It’s all on the link. I just didn’t feel like transcribing it. Also, the prosecution objected and the judge said to wait for redirect. I could not find a video with that redirect.

In any case, I do not believe she hit him with the cell phone for 7 minutes. But if she did, I say good for her.

Edit toadd: Warmblood1, which alter are you?


Not sure if you are referring to upper class (LK) or lower class RG), but either way it is offensive.


Interesting! Although the article does say that she later said she “probably said” on social media that she spent 7minutes breaking my phone in (Barisone’s) cheek and in his ear.”

I am not listening to the video to prove that out.




Was this the whispering? I think the guy said that a juror said that the prosecutor had something they weren’t supposed to

A few minutes ago, on Court TV, they were discussing this case and Vinnie insinuated that MB was faking the insanity based on his appearance in court and the picture of him standing with the height measurements behind him. Two commentators said that they believed he was experiencing real mental health issues. Vinnie said it was his arrest photo but MB does not have the bruises he had in the first hearing. Do they update these photos while they are in prison?


Why did she use her phone to beat MB.
Look around that patio/porch, aren’t there other things to “defend” herself with?


I thought they did a cursory test for powder on her clothes and found none which also negated the “point blank range” description.


From COTH Article December 2021;The trial date, which first was set for June 2020 but delayed due to COVID-19 issues, was moved back again Dec. 1 due to conflicting priorities on presiding Judge Stephen Taylor’s trial calendar.

In setting a new date, the judge noted that Barisone is coming up on the two-year mark of his original trial date, at which point he would be granted a pre-trial release from jail under New Jersey law. Barisone’s attorney said, however, that Barisone would rather waive release and wait in jail for a trial—something the judge saw as an unusual request.

“The statute is clear, if it gets past the two-year mark, the defendant is released,” Taylor said, noting most defendants are happy to be freed from jail, and that he was unsure whether Barisone has a choice in the matter. “It’s unique to waive that.”


So the blood washed out but the GSR was hunky dory? Do I have that right?