Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Honest question: Watching Lk and RG testify, Did it sound like they were telling the truth? honestly they are all over the place and unable to comprehend… they are contradicting each other and their statements made to the DA is it just me or did anyone else see this?


We can answer but it’s far more important what the jury thinks. There is a poll going on a separate post and last I checked almost well more than half thought MB not guilty and less than 20% thought guilty.



I was surprised by the “our property “ comment too, and also surprised he wasn’t called on it.


At some point today, the judge explained that one juror had been able to see something inappropriate in the prosecutor’s computer screen or possibly in a reflection of his computer screen on one of the Covid shields? So they had a discussion about whether that juror had gotten a good look or not, and he said he had not.

Then another time, the judge said that a couple of the jurors who are seated in the gallery could hear the spectators whispering near them about the case, which is not supposed to happen. And the judge threatened to clear the courtroom of spectators if that happened again.

So it could have been either of those discussions.


Both of their demeanors just came across as very insincere and arrogant.


I thought they said they had only tested MB’s clothing for gunshot residue, which seemed like yet another example of the police completely taking the word of one party in the altercation over the other.

But I’m not going back to find it at this point.


I thought they tested his hands but no one else’s and they only tested her shirt with something that was not as accurate.

I expect the defense will bring it up again.


It’s funny because we watched the same thing but I remember the exact opposite…how the heck are these jurors managing with zero notes!?

I thought the only clothing they tested was LK’s shirt, with the photographic method. Did we even see photos of MB’s clothing other than the pile on the ground near the trailer? (I listen more than watch so I might have missed a photo if there was one.) Didn’t they test LK’s shirt but MB’s hands?


My recollection was they only tested HIS hands and HER shirt, and the shirt was tested with IR photography and no presumptive testing was done. When her clothing was negative they didn’t test anything else.

That is my recollection. It was the detective who testified to it.


I think I’m going to stop trying to remember testimony that is older than 36 hours, and I’m going to wish the jurors a lot of luck going forward! Lol.


You literally just need to listen to the next line. He then clarifies her stating she attacked him for 7 minutes. It’s in the same video you posted.


I feel like beating someone up who shot and tried to kill you isn’t really the worst thing to happen. Play stupid games win stupid prizes right?


They haven’t been presented with the insanity defence even yet so that’s kind of a useless poll is it not?

The judge said for people to wait until everything is laid out before making a decision for a reason.


I feel like trying to evict and get rid of someone who has sworn to ruin your life, has invaded your privacy, slanders and libels you for the sole purpose of extorting you from your home and property all because of a jealous rage isn’t bad either.

And ending up with the result of the drama is the stupidest prize of all.


I did not make the poll. I showed it existed and showed the result so far.


Unless what he had to say about why he was on the phone and what he was talking about undermines the prosecutions’ contention that MB unprovoked attached them. Maybe the atty knows something about MB being provoked, or about what they did to MB.


The issue was, the Judge didn’t have a copy of the transcript. He just assumed it was paraphrased. There is no real difference between phone and iPhone.


It’s rather curious the prosecution didn’t call this ear witness. I thought LK said he was testimony exquisite?


"Your opinion on the Barisone trial to date"

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