Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The prosecution is not done yet.


Thank you.

Wasn’t there something found in the history of either (LK or RG’s) phone or computer indicating that they were looking for the address of where MHG’s child would be that weekend? A family reunion or something?
I think that’s what Bilinkas was trying to ask at the end of RG’s cross examination (edited for clarity)


But the defense is subpoenaing him for a reason meaning they aren’t going to just depend on cross. And personally, I would have had him testify instead of RG


I think the defense is actually calling “the ear witness”.

Didn’t LK and IM say there would be questions answered and solid proof presented by the prosecution?

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Yup. Sure did.

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Interesting. Your statement reminded me of the “exploding bullets” search for some reason


Why is there only a “:heart:” when I just laughed out loud and almost choked


Yes, I know that MB declined to be released prior to this trial; I was speaking to the potential scenario that this trial ends in no verdict and he has to go through this whole thing again at some unknown time in the future. My thought was that I hoped MB would be offered a chance to live in a less restrictive environment, mostly one that would offer mental health treatment, than he has been for the last 2 1/2 years. Maybe he would turn it down again, but I would still hope it would be offered to him, especially the mental health facility option, if available. I’m not sure why my post was confusing?


Can he testify to something that is privileged or does privilege have to be broken first?

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The judge told defense not to characterize.

The following statement by LK in the transcript that was left out in a previous post that I am referring is-

“I used my 7 minutes to help Rob keep the 6’4 MB subdued by breaking my iPhone on his cheek and in his ear.”


Innocent until proven guilty. As a juror last month we were instructed to not hold it against defense if the defendant decided to no testify. It’s up to the prosecutors to prove someone is guilty beyond an unreasonable doubt. Trust me I wanted to hear the defendants side of the story in my trial.


Well, there were many different answers provided to the same questions. So they were half right.


What’s the point of barring JK from the courtroom while LK testifies if he’s just watching the livestream in another room?


Good question. Maybe so he can’t give her signals? Just a possibility.

I did think it was sort of funny that often the prosecuting lawyers would cover their mouths with their hands or some papers when they conferred together.

Do they think the courtroom is full of lip readers? It reminded me of baseball players who do the same thing with their gloves.

At least the secondary prosecutor got to open his mouth today for a change.


That privilege was broken when RG read and confirmed a transcript of a meeting with LK, JK, the attorney and him.


He is apparently on the witness list and as such can’t be in the courtroom until after his testimony.


He isn’t supposed to be. But what is the court supposed to do, lock them up somewhere by themself? It’s nice they were excluded, but it was pretty pointless to expect they wouldn’t all be talking it over after the court session, they are a family.

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That is an option. Witnesses, and jurors, can be sequestered and isolated from each other outside of court where their media access, etc is restricted if it’s deemed necessary for the defendant to get a fair trial.


Maybe so he can’t audibly or physically react to LK or RGs testimonials or give cues as they are answering questions. I think the issue the defense had with him being there is that he is considered to be part of the plot to ruin MB and MHG.