Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

EMS regulations vary by state, but I’m not aware of any states that allow cops to give opioids. Generally they’re not given by EMTs either … it has to be an EMS provider with a higher level of training such as a paramedic.

Even paramedics can only give them either via an established protocol for which the patient meets all the criteria (for example, you could have a protocol saying that patients over 16 with musculoskeletal trauma can get 1 mcg/kg of fentanyl as long as their blood pressure is >100 systolic) or via a direct order from a physician.


Right. They recorded themselves speaking, so therefore, they knew they were being recorded.


This is such a lucid and well thought out summary of what we have been watching.


I just watched the Jamison Bachman story on Netflix.


Man, people can just be evil.

Reminded me of some people we know.


Or is it possible they were listening to the recording device(s) that were in the barn, so they heard him leave the barn headed in their direction? And then turned off the camera?


The fact that so many non-horsey true crime enthusiasts are reacting negatively to LK and RG’s testimony kind of torpedos the idea that the negative reactions she got here were the result of blind devotion to the big name dressage trainer.


Perhaps my thought process has gone off on a tangent, but when I see RG’s demeanor, attitude, slouchiness, hostility etc., it makes me wonder about the “girlfriend” v “fiancee” thing. Have things cooled between him and LK and he’s not that keen on presenting/testifying well ‘for her’ either? He’s certainly not doing her any favours!


I would guess his life some what depends on him keeping her world happy. Without her he has nothing but his addiction. She provides him with housing and money.
Most likely what we saw is simply what he is.
Not matching answers fall into the category of that whole lie thing, it gets hard to remember all the facts of all the lies after a bit.


Didn’t LK/RG also record conversations between other people when they themselves were not present?


Wasn’t there some mention upthread that LK’s dad was afraid RG would leave her after they bought a house, or something like that? I don’t remember now who said that or what the details were about that situation.

LK is not an only child. Maybe she was the “difficult one”, or maybe the “apple of daddy’s eye” :woman_shrugging:t2:. (I know a family that has three daughters. The oldest and youngest are sweethearts, but the middle one is mean and hateful and vindictive for no apparent reason, at least to me).

Then she had the automobile accident and got addicted to opioids (sadly, this has happened to countless families) which snowballed into other drug use.

Could she have met RG in rehab? AFAIK no one has ever asked where/when they met. Was he her boyfriend before JK thought he would be someone to “look out” for his daughter and made it financially attractive to him?

I can see daddy thinking that horses could be a good outlet/preoccupation for his daughter—maybe help her with her recovery—but I’m not sure he had any idea what that entailed time wise and financially at this level—hence his “deals” with MB.

I don’t know about her other trainer experiences, but at MB’s level, if you don’t put in the time/work, you won’t get the attention—end of discussion!

And that is what started this whole debacle. She didn’t keep her end of the bargain—didn’t go to lessons, probably didn’t ride all her horses—so she was “demoted” to the assistant trainers and that was unacceptable to her and maybe daddy, too. (Personally, I would love lessons from JH or MHG—hell, maybe even the working students!)

I don’t know if it was her personality or the drugs (maybe a combination of both) that made her so vindictive, but it’s sad all the way around.

I think RG is over it—if he never saw another horse, it would probably be OK with him, but he’s made this bed………


I doubt that where she is now that she’s getting lessons from the Chief chalupa and more than likely from a working student.


They are two peas in a pod.


Well, she does have to physically work back up to her previous fitness, right?

I believe she’s riding with the head trainer but he’s not a BNT. He’s young and just starting to establish himself from what I’ve been told. Quite a different set up than training with someone like Barisone


So sad. I was not a huge fan of MB, but at clinics he appeared confident, knowledgable, “put together”…
I was on a jury, and don’t rule all acting tactics out, but there’s no way he could ever get back what he had.


I never thought that the majority here had devotion to MB. Rather, I thought they just intensely disliked LK. I’m correct there aren’t I? It’s no surprise LK’s testimony got bad reviews from anyone that watched it. Same with RG. The thing is though, MB’s verdict should not be based on people finding LK/RG vile, pushing him over the edge, and therefore the shooting was warranted.


Yes, and those would not be admissible as no party to the conversation was aware it was being recorded.


I don’t believe that’s what most people here think.

And I don’t know any of the parties involved.


Would it matter if LK/RG were defendants or witnesses?I can see that prosecutors couldn’t use a recording they made illegally to prosecute someone but could a prosecutor use that recording to prosecute someone else?