Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Maybe not here, but that was the thinking of quite a few posters on the youtube comment stream. I’ll ask you directly…do you think he should be found not guilty and walk?

I’m not so unsure she is not there though injury to muscles does take time.


I have no idea. I haven’t heard the defense’s case yet. That’s not how it works.

You hear the evidence on both sides before you reach a decision, if my very rudimentary understanding of the American judicial system is correct.


I have followed this story from the very beginning and I think I have only ever commented on the very first thread.

I find the whole thing sad and MB looks like a broken man. I do not find the testimony of the two star witnesses to be reliable at all, they appear to be all over the place, evasive, and seemingly very forgetful. I find it very disturbing to finally start to hear what was going on at that facility.

I really hope MB is found not guilty, the story just doesn’t add up so far in my mind. I am looking forward to what the defense presents next week and hopefully it will be enough to raise enough doubt in the jurors minds and convince them he was not in his right mind at the time and was defending himself.

I don’t know anything about guns but was wondering about RC saying she looked for a small gun because she has small hands. MB I believe is a big man, 6’3-6’4, I would assume he has relatively large hands. I wonder how easily his fingers fit into the part where you pull the trigger, just a thought I had.


I’ll answer.

He may or may not have done what he is charged with.

BUT there are so many inconsistencies and lies and holes found in the LK version, and her admitting she lies, leaves a gaping hole of reasonable doubt. And as the standard for conviction is “beyond a reasonable doubt” I just don’t believe it’s possible to cross that threshold and convict.

All along I have said that I thought a better, smarter case would have been to charge him with Assault w/deadly weapon. That omits the intent to kill aspect. But they didn’t do that so here we are.

What I don’t know at this point if there is enough to convict on the weapons charge. If Balinkas can cast reasonable doubt as to whose hands drew that weapon then he may walk on that too.




RG testimony, after lunch I believe, he slips and states that MB lured them out of the house.
This whole section gets under his skin bigtime.

He also describes the location of MB, the chest height bush, the raising the gun… Doesn’t jive with the forensic who said the bullet traveled in an upward angle, from near the front of the truck.
If RG could see the gun, unobstructed by the chest height on MB bush, which was feet closer to the house than the front of the truck…

That doesn’t work, does it?


It was also interesting how LK and RG described the shooting in such a similar way. “Boom, boom.” Did they even make the same gesture?


Why do so many think the camera was turned off? Remember the camera above the door pointing down on the crime scene wasn’t analyzed by the cops on 8/7. When they remembered it and went back the next day to fetch it, it was gone. Mysteriously it turned up 2 months later…wiped clean. Hmmmm…


Really, the possibilities are endless.

Especially since it sounds like the police were pretty haphazard in the way they handled the crime scene.


No it does not.

What does work is the discharge of bullets while 2 people are wrestling on the ground with another standing over them with a cell phone hitting one in the head.

That fixes the trajectory issue I think.

Then a gun discharging but due to close proximity of the person struck the bullets never reach maximum velocity. And as it’s velocity that causes the damage that might explain why death wasn’t immediate and why speedy, competent medical care was able to save her life.

I say this because I watched some video on damage caused by bullets shot into ballistic gel.

The first was a musket ball fired from a gun circa 1776. The penetration and damage was minimal and they explained it was due to the slow speed that the musket ball traveled.

As they progressed through the video, the higher the velocity of the projectile, the more damage that was done.

So just like a racehorse jumping out of a starting gate, it takes a little distance to reach maximum velocity.

In the case of a close contact confrontation and discharge, it’s entirely possible the same thing occurred.

What do y’all think?


I was not at all aware of this, since as I said previously, I am (genuinely) unfamiliar with guns.

The bullet travels faster as it gets further from the gun?? I would have thought the opposite.


Why is Barisone’s phone just sitting on the patio table in crime scene photos? Did he just put his phone down while he was hiding behind the bush? Part of me wonders if he brought it to record a conversation. Could that have evidence we are going to see? I’m just speculating wildly. But I recall Bilinkas pointing it out as a third phone. Was it Barisone’s?maybe I leapt to that conclusion. Also maybe he was trying to talk and was calm and rested it there and . . . Who knows how it all unraveled


Then why no GSR on the clothes? That close there would have been GSR.


I have to say, the sheer fact that hundreds of people are seeing and hearing for themselves the behavior of this woman from her own testimony, brings me joy. So many of us have been vindicated. She’s finally shown everyone who she really is, now believe her.


All the clothes weren’t tested, were they?


They stopped after one of her clothes tested negative.


In depends on the gun and the barrel. And distance. I don’t know guns myself that well but I found these references. Keep in mind the size of RCs gun and short length of the barrel.

I tried to find that same video but couldn’t. Now remember in my scenario, the parties are all on top of one another.

Yes I used Quora but left in the posters credentials.


Add that to the fact that the three witnesses called by the prosecution, MHG, RC, and JH, really seemed to do more for the defense case.


Don’t know. Rain? Interference?

No idea.