Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Great discussion and evaluation of testimony!

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The phone shows one clip from that Blink which he then shared with LK.
Wouldn’t his phone or other devices register any other clips or recordings? Or would those get all deleted if they removed them from the cloud.


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Didn’t LK she was on her tablet on the porch? When she said that, I immediately thought she was watching or reviewing video footage or audio files. I don’t know why, it was just what came to mind.

So that resonates with me as a possibility. I do think, though that it’s possible the cameras were erased after the fact.


She said she was reading. You’d think someone would ask what she was reading.


Yet there wasn’t a tablet in the crime scene photos was there??? Did Rosie carry it off for her master?


Both of those things sound very possible.

I won’t swear to it, but I seem to recall that early on in these threads, LK claimed that she was reading a book as she sat on “her” porch. I wonder if that story changed when there was no book recovered at the crime scene.


She covered by saying maybe it was a tablet…or maybe a phone.


Excellent catch. What happened to the tablet?


Well, in her testimony on the stand, I believe she did mention quoting The Art of War.


That Rosie. She was trying pretty hard to be helpful. So… maybe?


Left in the helicopter?


No. Once a bullet leaves the muzzle it begins decelerating very quickly… it may accelerate as it leaves, but we’re talking like 50mm, not several feet. That might be different for rifles.


Interesting, thanks.

I’ve definitely learned more about guns in the last 24 hours or so than in the rest of my lifetime up until now.


Good one!! Along with anything else that might be inconvenient.


Wasn’t there something mentioned somewhere (maybe here?) about a gun’s magazine being found in the back of a police car? I missed bits of the trial while at work.

I don’t think MB’s large hands would have trouble firing a smaller gun. You pretty much just use your fingertip on the trigger; that’s how I was taught anyway.

FWIW, the Facebook account for Lotus Farm, which moved into MB’s place in NJ, has the farm listed as Permanently Closed. I don’t know if another trainer has moved in or not. Shame, such a nice facility.


That’s too bad.

I wonder if the farm is actually closed, or if they just listed it that way on Facebook once word got out. I can imagine the history of the place could have involved some headaches for them once it was common knowledge.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


They may have been renting. The place is not for sale, they paid back their PPP covid loan in excess of $200,000 and it says Broadway Paving Inc of Belmar owns it and it’s not for sale. They bought it in Aug 2020 for $1.6 million +.

The pics showed a barn in excellent condition. It’s valued at $1.9 million now


But why can the verdict not be based on the fact that LK and RG are both liars? Since they are allegedly the only two witnesses present who remember the incident, how can anyone trust their version of events?

Anything could have happened that day based on the evidence, or lack thereof, presented so far. These are the possibilities that I see that haven’t been ruled out as possible at this point.

  • MB could have cold-bloodedly shot LK.
  • MB could have been pushed over the edge to temporary insanity and shot her.
  • There could have been a struggle and MB shot her accidentally.
  • LK and RG (and the dog) could have attacked MB, and he shot her in self-defense.
  • LK and RG could have planned and staged the whole thing, and he wasn’t the one who shot the weapon.

(Please feel free to add any possibility that I’ve forgotten).

Surely the fact that any of the above are possible and that the two witnesses are, apparently, liars, nothing can be determined beyond a reasonable doubt. How can you send someone to prison for possibly decades with all the doubts created by their testimony?


I think she is riding with Ulf Moller, Helgstrand Dressage… he is a big deal…