Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Very well said.

Although I do think the last option is pretty unlikely, since the surgeon made it sound like she was pretty darn close to being dead. Which was probably not part of their plan.

But still a possibility, I suppose.


Except someone said that her current trainer is young and relatively new to starting his business. That wouldn’t describe Mr. Moller.


I thought the standard was reasonable doubt. LK/RG lying on stand + no direct evidence putting the gun in MB’s hands = reasonable doubt to me. Also, the texts saying LK could access the office and do “everything they needed” to impeach her testimony was kind of a big red flag….


I think Ulf is no longer with Helgstrand? Nope - I was wrong. He’s only there during season. They had a shake-up there, new trainers, etc. And that was last year, anyway.

right - I don’t know for sure but that is what I was told from a friend in Welly

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As I consider Helgstrand training to be super abusive I personally do not find it a big deal.

But if that guy is the thing then it explains the contraptions on her horse I saw in a pic that’s a head set thing.


Has anybody seen any polls as to guilt or not guilty in any other places besides here? I am curious what the results would be.

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I don’t think the majority here intensely disliked LK when the shooting happened. You might get a different answer now. I hadn’t heard of either party prior to the posts on this board. I had seen Barisone on the Stephen Colbert segment, but didn’t remember his name until someone mentioned it, so no… I didn’t have any bias at all in August 2019. Today, I don’t think I would trust anything LK or RG said any further than I could throw them, and I haven’t heard anything at all from MB. We’ll see what happens.


You might be thinking of the barn owner and his wife.

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There are a few of us who began posting in the beginning because of negative history with LK, and we immediately were accused of victim shaming because we posted what kind of person she is. I wasn’t going to be driven away and when she escalated her obsession with me posting weird rants, I wasn’t about to walk away.


So, I have been following these threads for most of the 2 1/2 years and have finally registered to post since I can’t believe that nobody has yet advanced the theory that Lauren shot herself. Not accidentally in a “scuffle” but deliberately to play the victim in the most dramatic way. Aiming for her breast implant, assuming that a shot there would not kill her but would look like she was shot at point blank range.


I didn’t know either of them.

People were talking about law and I had been silent on the whole thing but when legal questions came up I chimed in to explain or correct.

It first started when I mentioned treble damages against an unlicensed contractor if they sued for non payment.

Then it went on including when I mentioned seeing her post about a Ruger. Then it went BOOM.



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Someone here said that when using a self defense + insanity argument reasonable doubt is no longer relevant, I think because you are in essence admitting that you did it. The burden of proof that it was self defense plus insanity in on the defendant side.


Anything is possible.

But dayum that would be supremely messed up. In trying to imagine it I believe there is smoke coming our of my ears LOL


Sure, like the guy on Chuck who then pretended to be dead.

My step kid’s mother was told that he would injure himself to frame us and get what he wanted by his psychologist at one point.


No to what?

You still have reasonable doubt….it’s not hard to doubt that he wasn’t attacked first. And I’m not quite sure that is the exact legal implications. I think the only thing an affirmative defense requires is that you offer your own evidence to confirm a theory, not that the jury can’t just flat out find reasonable doubt.