Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Even though it was said the plea offered was the final plea, could the prosecutor offer another one?

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That was me; I assumed she was riding with the trainer at the place where she’s boarding. But perhaps not. Perhaps Ulf comes and teaches her there. I had not heard that.


I think she’d have a hard time getting that angle, and the lack of GSR on her clothing would suggest otherwise.


There have been some pretty wild theories thrown around but that one truly takes the cake


I think that makes sense in this case. I bet usually there is no question about whether or not a defendant actually shot someone. In this case I agree, there is reasonable doubt. It’s just a he said, she said, and one of them has no memory of what happened. There is no impartial witness.


What if anothers person body or clothing caught the GSR? Is that possible for a bullet to hit her but residue to be caught elsewhere in a tumble of bodies?

This is a honest question.

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I’d say possible but not probable. A body, no, cause nobody else was shot, right? Also, if there was other clothing in front of the hoodie, then why no other clothing with bullet holes?


GSR is transferable around the scene. Considering how close they all were, they should have all tested positive to some extent.


Because a bullet went by them and not through them?

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Except they weren’t all tested.


Except that they weren’t tested. Nothing was tested for GSR except MB"s hands. So there’s that.

So, if its the defense’s point that it was self defense, then its the prosecution’s job was to prove that MB didn’t have to use that much force to get out of the situation, what was the prosecution doing up there for a week?
They didn’t establish what the situation was, that he had to get out of. They didn’t say what happened, with any kind of coherence. How did the prosecution establishe/justify their position? That MB just walked up to them and started shooting and he didn’t need to in order to get out of the confrontation? They didn’t describe their version of the confrontation. I don’t know, its just wierd.


I would think so. But we’ll never know, in this case, will we.

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I also keep coming back to the part where they were beating MB over the head for an undetermined amount of time, and at one point I believe LK was the one who said it was seven minutes.

I have certainly had my bell rung around horses a couple of times in the course of my life, and following that, I definitely did not know what happened for a slight span of time. I mean, no recollection whatsoever. To this day. One of those times, I did not remember what happened starting slightly before the incident with the horse.

So if somebody claimed I had shot someone during that interval, I couldn’t deny it with absolute certainty. The only thing I would be able to say is, I don’t remember what happened during that time.

(Spoiler alert. I’ve never shot anyone.)


You never shot anyone? C’mon admit it!


I’m not going to claim I never wanted to. But I never have. Lol.


The you can remember.


Fair enough. Lol.




I wonder if they will have a neurologist expert to testify about traumatic head injuries, concussion, and anoxia. Its entirely possible that his head injuries were even more sever than reported by the hodpital. Much of that kind of damage can show up over time.


I think someone on the live chat said she was at Paradigm Dressage. Anyone know of this facility?