Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Honestly, If I were COTH I wouldh’t want to know that LK was reading trial testimony on my bulletin board. I’m surprised also that there isn’t alot more member attention to it. She’s here every night. Isn’t she not supposed to be finding out about other’s testsimony?


I’m sorry but I don’t think we should be worrying about this. It’s not our concern.


You’re right. I don’t know yet. But insanity is such a challenging defense… I admit I have focused more on the potential self defense aspect of the case.

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Ha. I remember that exchange. It was on the SafeSport thread.

I wonder who the attorneys are that are associated with this family… that must be interesting work.


It might have value if the biting dog is the reason for the gun


Maybe you could join the Middleton Township Police Department. You’d fit right in!

(This is a poke at the Middleton Keystone Kops - not you.) :laughing:


But umbrella insurance is VERY affordable. I have 5 million (each) on my husband and myself and it only costs me ~$400/year.

So it still doesn’t make sense to me that Lauren couldn’t be the titled owner and insured driver of a vehicle.

Oh - right. She may not have a driver’s license. Is that some sort of status symbol? She drove at some point in her life after all. I can’t imagine why a woman in her late-30’s in 2019 and 41 yo today doesn’t have a license, a vehicle and she could benefit from at least a nice 2-horse trailer all in her name & with her very own insurance policies.


@KurPlexed re the Google search, I can’t attest to why LK made such a search, but I will say I make random searches for all sorts of things if I hear or read about them and want to check something. I’m not saying that’s what happened here but I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility. I think the police really dropped the ball at the scene and we will never know if multiple guns where there at the time of the shooting. I find it interesting that they can definitely say that the RC gun is what was used in the shooting when there are no recovered bullets, no other forensics etc. We will never know.


That could well be, and I’ve said that for years.

However, I just don’t know how much weight should be given to the very specific details of the location of the dog bites and if that proves anything about whether MB was standing or on the ground or on his back or whatever. The whole scene just sounds like such a melee.

I think that in the big picture, the fact that the dog was on site and had bitten someone quite recently, and it did in fact bite multiple people on that day, including the cop, could be used as a valid reason for MB to want to have a gun on hand for defense against the dog, regardless of the exact details of when or how the dog bit him that day, which I think would be hard to prove definitely.

And I wouldn’t want the jury to get so bogged down in the the yinging and yanging over the dog bite details of the incident that they miss that bigger picture.

Again, I would not think to bring a gun with me due to a dog, but I can imagine other people might. And I still feel sorry for that poor dog, especially after hearing it on the 911 tape.


I thought you all would like to see the “yawning” photo of Rosie. Check out her hashtag comments!

Come on LK Fan Girls, tell us this is how your dog YAWNS too!


I’d love to see/hear it, if they do. :thinking:


I know of at least one horse show manager who has done this in the show office for years!


Look at the caption. A temper tantrum isn’t a yawn.

I hope Bilinkis can draw the jury’s attention to that hashtag caption and Rosie’s history of biting


Meh. If calling that a yawn turns out to be the biggest lie told on the witness stand that day…


We don’t know that. This could actually be their best behavior on display for the proceedings. :hushed:


I believe he said that because it is just about the only testimony those two gave that was consistent.

So in any contract its important to be as thorough and descriptive as possible, I guess, including building floor plans if possible, to define spaces included and excluded?


I have more faith in their ability to prove it was the same gun than their ability to prove how it got there and who was holding it to start.

Since again, it seems like they did not bother with the forensic evidence regarding fingerprints, gun shot residue tests, etc., across the board for everybody.


If they both agreed on everything to a ‘T’, then it could be said they were coached and lying. If they differ a bit, then some think they are lying, even though it is common to get things mixed up when you are in a stressful situation.


The farm had three fields in which they grew their own hay.