Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Oof. You’re right.



It already looks like a better set up than Friday, since they don’t have the Covid screen blocking the camera that’s pointed at the judge. So far, anyway. Knock wood.

Edited to add: D’oh! Spoke too soon. Lol.


Unfortunately the only video I have been able to watch is the first day of RG’s testimony, and a bit of the second day. He did have on a suit the first day, although as my husband commented, it didn’t seem to fit well and looked like the first time he had ever worn a suit in his life.

A few things about RG really stood out for me: 1) the constant chair swiveling struck me as disrespectful and an attempt by someone faking bravado by trying to look nonchalant. 2) the way he sneered a bit when he described MB as “alpha male” made me think, “Ooh - there is jealousy there.” 3) and of course, the multiple evasions (“I don’t recall”). Good Lord, dude, you are the prosecution’s star witness, yet you can’t seem to recall with clarity half of what supposedly happened.

He certainly did not give a good impression of someone with honesty, forthrightness, integrity. Blech.


So far no psychologist expert witness mentioned yet by the state.

If anyone believes that is a yawn, I’ve got oceanfront property to sell them in Missouri.


RG’s relationship with MB is a point of curiosity.

After listening to evidence, etc, I have to believe that the entire farm had identified RG as a complete mooch. Especially once things related to the work he was supposed to be doing in exchange for board for LK’s additional horses got contentious. And my guess is RG knew that they were all looking at him that way… mooches of this variety can take great offense when others around then call them out for what they are…

I get that vibe from him. He knows he’s a shiftless sort of adult deep down inside, but is outraged that anyone is publicly questioning the value of his work, his integrity, etc.


So, is JK not being called by the prosecutor?


Doesn’t seem like it.

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Florida boarding stable, roughly 18 horses. Staff - not grooms, but stall cleaning, turnout, feeding picking pastures, some maintenance work etc: Salaries run about $450/day, that alone is somewhere in the $14,000 per month range. Hay grain and bedding have gotten very expensive; Our barn owner shared #'s a few months back to justify board increase and his costs on average are $22,000 - $23,000 a month. It is not a show/training barn, so there is no need for grooms, nor does this facility have equipment to haul horses. One of the costs not often thought about is insurance, both on the property/facilities but also liability insurance.


Testimony from Officer on MB statements:

“They destroyed my life in the past 6 months”
“I had a good life. They took it all away. I’m sorry it happened.”



Just before he made statements, was given fentanyl (observed by officer). Officer was told he was given fentanyl and ketamine ‘a few times’ after that as well.


I’m waiting to hear the significance of the various police officer attire. :thinking:

And MB and LK were being treated in adjacent rooms in the ICU?!?


Thank you all for finding it within your ability to scroll on by Hut ho. It limits the unnecessary posts to fill this thread.

Also, I have a friend who sat on a jury for a federal trial at least 20 years ago. When she returned at a break (after four days of testimony while the court was waiting for some FBI agents to fly in from points elsewhere), I tried to get some bit of information out of her. She is honorable and of course refused to give me one iota, but I so clearly remember her saying, “I’ll tell you one thing: Anyone who thinks ANYTHING they post on the internet can be permanently removed, is wrong. Dead wrong.”

eta: It turned out to be an early Nigerian Prince scam that spanned states. Defendant was found guilty.


Probably to make it clear that the defendant knew it wasn’t a doctor in the room with him - a suited officer or a uniformed officer

As for hospital rooms, most hospitals are set up that way, trauma rooms are adjacent. This isn’t abnormal.


I hate to hyper analyze something so seemingly trivial - but the dog’s eyes are not closed, so it’s not a yawn. Surprise surprise, another lie.


The words in bold above were not testified to in earlier hearings. Interesting the words are added now.


How can anyone get any other vibe from him? He qualified his statement regarding his drug use as “not on the farm”. He didn’t say he was clean/sober and for how long.


Officer on Cross:

Initially reported fentanyl was given after statements, but after review with prosecutor he changed his story to that it was given before.

Recovered pants - Were there any holes in the groin area? Will have to inspect again. …
Inspecting with gloves…

“there are two tears in the pants approximately in the groin of the pants”


Re: the dog photo … why lie? Just say the dog is “barking” … it’s factually accurate and doesn’t mean that the dog is aggressive, just loud (which has already been clearly established through the 911 call audio).

Some people just think the rules don’t apply to them.