Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Good point on the attire. Although there are probably people in suits in hospitals who are not police officers.

And maybe not abnormal on the ICU rooms. Just sort of an odd coincidence.

Because this dog was KNOWN to be dangerous and she probably wanted the jury to think she’s a small, sweet lapdog. They all seem to become very defensive when the dog is mentioned.


Officer on Cross:

Severe injury to arm, both eyes black, gash on face, ears swollen and cut up, one very swollen. Injury to side area (abrasionS).


Very interesting that it sounded like the defense lawyer was the one who caught that and pointed it out at the time.


This is kind of a dumb question, but would it be possible to subpoena the dog to the courtroom, so she can be weighed and the jury can see her size?

Edit: Or vet records which would indicate her weight?


True … but if she wants to downplay the dog aggression, the photo/“temper tantrum” hashtag could have been downplayed as, “oh she was just barking at us!” And at least seem believable … rather than something that’s clearly a lie to any person who has ever seen a dog.

But maybe my checkers-playing mind just can’t conceive of the level of chess grandmastership going on here.


This police witness looks very uncomfortable on cross.


He should. Report is clearly inaccurate


The judge is less abrasive towards Bilinkas this week, IMO. That may change, though.


No wonder, since the defense lawyer just got him to admit his report had an inaccuracy in it regarding a time.


Officer on Cross:

In his notes - it states MB stated he didn’t recall anything that happened.
This officer has no recollection of hearing this.
Officer thinks it came from other officers.

Spoke with 3 different officers that were at the scene (this isn’t recorded in the notes)

MB was expressing the fact that he was in pain.

Demeanor? He was verbally expressing he was looking for something for his pain.
Did he make facial expressions or make other expressions of pain? Yes, you could see in his expressions he was experiencing pain.

Officer took detailed and copious notes. Noted exact times when things happened and when things occurred. Every detail and times were recorded with regards to his observations.

Report was drafted next day. Date on report is the date the supervisor approved it, not when he wrote it. (October 23rd).

Officer looking a bit confused by Bilinkas not understanding the dates…

Draft was written before. Supervisor had to approve, but officer doesn’t know exactly what they are approving or reviewing. It has happened that things are amended in the reports at this point.

13:56 made first statement - clerical error -

What time did he actually make the statements? Office states it was supposed to be 15:56.

Report has an inaccuracy. Officer realized after it was approved, but did not seek to correct.
Officer states there is NOTHING else in that report that is inaccurate.

Received fentanyl and then fentanyl and ketamine before and after statements - was basically passed out. He appeared like he was in a state of sleep.

Was he incoherent? Officer would not describe him as that.

MB said he was sorry? Officer says yes. It’s in official report. Is this anywhere in the detailed notes taken on the same day? NO.


I’m not watching, but in re: all the griping that the defense attorney seems incompetent:

He had the same title as Mr. Schellhorn in 1986, and he probably had over a hundred jury trials under his belt before the prosecutor even passed the bar.

You have to respect the experience, even if you think he is “bumbling Columbo.” Odds are that he’s figured out his way around a courtroom after over 200 go-arounds.


Thanks for the excellent notes!


Wow…the judge is offering the defense question suggestions to get his point made. Big change there…


Thanks for that info
I wonder why the switch to defense lawyer?
Is that common?

As a former prosecutor, I’d think that would be excellent training for a defense atty

The judge knows.


I can’t keep it up unfortunately, but I’ll try when I can!

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It also contradicts between officers on scene notes and the final report.


Seems someone got a bit of a shock from the overwhelming reaction in the live chat, huh?


Makes you wonder if the judge violated his own admonishment to steer clear of any outside information over the weekend and saw how the endless sustained objections were playing out?