Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Hes been holding his hand the entire trial

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He could have noted, as we all have, the difference in the quality and ??veracity?? of the witnesses


Yes, behind his back.


Do you really think the judge cares about what the live chatters think? Did you read their chats…I doubt he cares about their opinions. They don’t seem all that educated.


Officer on Cross:

Bilinkis making point that there are notes and statements in the Officer’s notes that are not his OWN observations - they are what others told him. However these are not readily identified in the report.

Prosecution asking for breakout room so Officer can see full report.


  • Officer’s arrival time - 15:20 approximately (3:20 for those that can’t do 24hr)
  • Statements noted at 13:56 and 15:57 (clerical error)

Watching it now…having retired NYPD in my family, I’m sitting here shaking my head, in disgust, at the testimony of Det. Jason Gould.


Bolded statements = WOW.

WTF went on with the police investigation of this case?!?


He did that last week too in at least two of the sidebars I was able to hear.


Just wait… I doubt it gets better from here, if history is any indication


How so?

It’s very common that defense attorneys did some stint in the prosecutor’s office first.

As to reason - well, I can only guess, but private practice has to be more lucrative than a government job once you have the skills to draw in your own clients.


I mean, he had a few inaccuracies in a report. I bet he’ll make it clear in the future what someone told him vs what he saw personally. But disgusting? meh. I chart my medical sessions with clients which are technically legal documents. I’d hate to be grilled on their accuracy 2yrs later.


I heard the sidebar that ended last Thursday. The demeanor between the three was very different, very much seemed like some of this is a bit showy…


Why would you say that? You have said you like true crime. So do those folks and they’ve seen loads of cases play out. Why are they automatically ‘uneducated’ b/c they comment on a live chat? A lot of them could name specific cases and judges they were comparing him too, etc.

We have trial lawyers and court clerks here on our own chat. We have medical experts, people in law enforcement and the military, folks who know about guns and ammunition, even someone who was able to highlight the issues RG would have collecting any money as he was unlicensed.

Did you listen to Serial the first season? Did you know that the crowd-sourced sleuthing by listeners was instrumental in getting the defendant another hearing?

Honestly, why would the live chat not have the same kind of expertise we have here? That seems a really unkind generalisation.


Again, I believe Columbo usually came out on top in the end.

I think I may have been the first person on the thread to mention Columbo, so I’m feeling a little guilty that people have been using it against him. Lol.


I’m catching up, so apologize if this has been said

If the victims took the gun, they could have done so at any time. The gun was in a case, and if MB didn’t check inside the case regularly when he went into the safe for other things, he wouldn’t have noticed it missing.

I’m not saying this happened, just pointing out that LK/RG need not have taken it from the safe that morning.


I’m behind on the posts, so I don’t know if anyone has responded to this. The defense has yet to present its case. We don’t know what the defense does or doesn’t have.


You really gathered a lot out of my statement that wasn’t at all what I was referring to. Not sure how you gleaned I don’t like public sleuthing from that. Im a member of Websleuths…that would be silly of me to say lol

Based on the conversations over the last week… I have seen very little about true crime and more about generalized conversation. Maybe you aren’t reading the same live chat I am. But most of what I read was just trash talk, and ignorant comments.


Trials are to some degree legal theatre. You are trying to convince a group of strangers of your version of events, essentially.

There is an idea that trials produce the truth. That’s not 100% accurate. The jury is the finder of fact but fact and the truth are not always the same.