Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Thank you. Agree 100%


perhaps because the residence was linked to a business, different rules.

This can backfire on the defense. It shows MB as someone who ignores the law and safety.

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RG testified the shots went. Boom, boom, boom; no pauses.


Well he didn’t cause the septic capacity violation.



Are you for real?

RG did most of the work that the town was called in to inspect. RG is an unlicensed contractor. RG is a key prosecution witness.

Plus, RG is the one who made the complaints to the town… at LK’s urging. Even though he had been doing all this work. It was clearly all about being vindictive.

The whole thing makes RG and LK look like awful people. They clearly had a massive grudge, and wanted to bury MB by any means available. This makes it harder to believe their entire testimony is sincere and truthful.


yeah, they did
By getting the farmhouse condemmed…


I thought it was only Fri that Bilinkas heard about this conversation. Didn’t he say right toward the end of Fri’s proceedings that he was going to subpoena Ed David? If so, then Mr. David might not have been able to get a transcript to review over the weekend.

ETA: But I haven’t caught up to everything today. If he were a Prosecution witness, he wouldn’t have that excuse.

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Ok I’m FINALLY caught up on here, and watched ED’s questioning.

All I can say is…wow.

I’m trying really hard to stay neutral, but dang. LK and RG (and now ED) sure aren’t making it easy.


Ed David was a prosecution witness, and the defense lawyer was questioning him on cross examination on Monday morning.

I don’t know if maybe the defense lawyer would also have to subpoena him if he wanted to call him back later as a witness for the defense as well? And maybe that’s why he mentioned it on Friday?

I’m just guessing that the prosecution saved him for last because they thought he was going to be such a strong witness to wrap up their case. If so, it did not look that way to me.


Any ideas on who will testify tomorrow?

I’m extremely sorry to say that they turned off the microphones at the end of the day just as they started to discuss that, before any names were mentioned. Lol.


Imperfect Self Defense in New Jersey.

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Self defense in New Jersey

Insanity defense in New Jersey.

Abd if they DON’T prove he is guilty, beyond a reasonable doubt, then the defense doesn’t have to prove or address anything about their claim, is that right? So the defense is poking holes in the prosecution’s charges, while setting themselves up for a defense, but in the end, if there is sufficient doubt about the prosecution’s charges, the whole thing is done, no matter what the defense claims.

Correct me if I’m wrong? Its how I understand it?


Yes. That’s how I understand it as well.
And right now, I can’t imagine there’s going to be a “guilty” verdict in the first place.


This is how I understand it as well.

This case seems to be REALLY unique in that the defense can argue both self defense and insanity, if the prosecution meets their burden of proof with respect to the attempted murder charges. From what I understand, there is a legal argument to allow for them to pursue this particular not guilty plea and defense strategy in New Jersey. But it’s pretty unusual and confusing.


I’m 99% certain that Bilinkas said on Friday afternoon that he was going to supoena Ed David before they cut the feed. It will be interesting to see if Bilinkas calls him again since as a prosecution witness Bilinkas could only ask him about was what was presented under direct testimony. It seemed like there was lots left unexamined with the ear witness that LK swore was going to be solid gold.

I think Ed David is regretting the moment he agreed to take on LK as a client. Though as a corporate/contract lawyer he may spend next to no time in a courtroom, and certainly not under the intensity of a attempted murder trial. So I’ll cut him a little slack. I was a little surprised that any lawyer would make any handwritte notes at all regarding a client and not date then.