Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Once again, this varies wildly by state to state and you can’t continue to make this claim because it is simply not true. Just because we personally think something is wrong doesn’t mean it’s illegal. Stand your ground and castle doctrine laws very widely.

I am in a stand your ground state, as I said earlier I do not have to wait until someone barges into my home. I just have to state that I had reason to believe I was in danger. I don’t even have to believe my life was in danger here in good ol Indiana.


Except it’s not the most ethical thing, and it only contributes long-term to misunderstandings. It would be interesting If the long-term effects of this kind of thing could be studied.


But wouldn’t it have been an order to vacate in 30 days? It would only be an eviction on your record if you didn’t leave within 30 days.

But they weren’t willing to give her the 30 days required by the legal process. They wanted her out in 2 days.

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Did you mean to quote me? It is absolutely ethical to serve someone before filing. You’re basically giving them a “last chance”.


I think they were hoping they could get her out faster by saying she could avoid the official eviction notice if she left right away?


This has been explained by others. She was fortunate to not have this eviction complaint actually filed.

Bluntly… she clearly had a place she could go with her 4-5 horses as of 8/7. Her own father had negotiated these arrangements for her. She had been informed of this, in writing. But She chose not to take that option. She chose to stay at that farmhouse, and keep all of her horses in MBs barn.

Why do you think she made that choice?


Will freely admit to speculating ahead of the data, but was MB really trying to make her life hell? Or was he just trying to get her to take the horses and leave? What did he actually do? Insist on barn hours, stop scheduling lessons and training her horses and tell the farrier not to shoe her horses? Is there more to it than that?

Is that "making her life hell?’ Or is it saying “I no longer wish to do business with your?”

And is it in anyway equivalent or proportional to getting MB and his family kicked out of their home or filing a false report re: abuse of a child?

Edited to remove the reference to sexual abuse; another poster clarified that the report to SS and then CPS had to do with abuse/neglect but not sexual abuse.


Depends on the ground for eviction. There are 30 days and 7 days and 3 day notices. Doesn’t really matter if she(through her attorney) had agreed to the date.


Exactly. There is nothing unethical or unusual about this.

And she was served, so another absolute whopper of a lie repeated here and on SM.


Well stated.

Also, she publicly accused him of insurance fraud, bullying, and talked about adultery and other personal matters regarding his private relationships on her public social media accounts.

By early August, MB had what seems to be a great client, and her daughter (who was a working student) actively making plans to pull horses from his farm all because of the LK situation. No doubt, other clients were considering doing the same.


If MB is found not guilty, Lk may be on the receiving end of a civil lawsuit herself


Agree 100%

Apples and tennis balls


Yikes. That’s really sad.

Sounds like they gave her two days “warning” to vacate or else they would file the formal notice of eviction. IOW, they did her a courtesy where no courtesy was deserved.


Did anyone catch when the live feed returns after lunch?

1:15 1:20

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Parra wouldn’t be someone I’d want to train with, but then again, maybe she shouldn’t have caused problems for MB and thrown a tantrum about riding with JH …


Can anyone give a recap? I can’t watch as I am working…

Especially if they had an arrangement where MB would pay the farrier on the spot and then be reimbursed afterwards by the horse owner.


As a farmboy, my notion of hell would have been something like not being able to line up farrier visits, helping Buttercup address saddle fit issues, and other inconveniences around the barn.

Later I encountered a pair of associates who used hideous lies to start wars and pursue vendettas, and went so far as to construct a Pit of Despair and Zoo of Death so they could relish the tortures they inflicted on others and protect their own fragile egos. Needless to say, our original notions of hell were very different, but I learned quickly about their concept of hell.

I would venture a guess that it is not so different for Barisone, who was a far more successful farmboy than myself and prior to August 2019 may have had a very different notion of hell than the unsavory characters he found himself negotiating with.