Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Another blast from the past (the bold font within any posts are my addition - MS):

Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

La-LaPopRiderHalfway Bronzed

Mar '20

You know exactly which company he worked for. You also know, they ONLY do bathrooms. Not kitchens. The owners wife is your “friend.” Even though RG refused to so as much as touch a bathroom in the farmhouse, due to MH’s clear lack of comprehension on how measurements work, every bathroom he did touch at the company you’re referring to earned him a 5 star rating as an “installer,” on every single survey completed by clients. This is fact. Perhaps, you should confirm with your friend that they DO, in FACT, send employers each survey by email. The sales person is rated, the installers are rated as are all parties who had direct exchanges with a client. On most occasions, it was the 5 rating given to the “installer,” (RG) which raised the general review score’s sum total- for others’ who scored quite low. On zero occasions was a complaint made or poor score given to RG - when he, himself was the installer.

Im not exactly sure how his “gone missing,” event is relevant here. He continued to work there, for quite some time after that. But um… why continue to work for someone else’s company, when he A.) dislikes the bathroom remodeling business & B.) keeps all the profit for himself when working under his own LLC ?? Yeah. I didn’t understand it either- Luckily, he took my advice.

FYI- in regards to your sign off using “Semper Fi,” I should inform you, unless YOU - YOU YOURSELF are or have been a USMC Marine, it is considered horribly disrespectful to sign off using the term. Since we both know you are not & have never been a Marine, best not to use it. It’s part of a serious brotherhood/sisterhood greeting or post script. You are not part of either. Refrain.

To avoid finding & quoting another post, I’ll just say this- @tryingtogetthere He made it through basic. And, luckily, a few other places, too. Either thank him for his service or kindly [edit]. Disgusting.


La-LaPopRiderHalfway Bronzed

Mar '20

@eggbutt - has RG ever done any work for you? Your many comments have been screenshot. Hopefully, RG won’t lose any work bc of your defamatory comments. I can assure you, the lawsuits will come rolling in if you persist. We know who you are. RG has more friends than you do, none of which will hesitate for a second to provide other slanderous or libel remarks you’ve made regarding his “shoddy,” work.

Another thing which should probably be cleared up STAT- The house was never condemned. Now that you have been made unequivocally aware of this, I will expect to find no more blatant lies on this subject. We were also never evicted. Know who was??? Well, you can ask your “good friend,” MH & fam about that. So, now, in crayon talk for you- WE evicted? NO. They evicted? Yes. HOUSE Condemned- NO. You make defamation? Yes. We bring lawsuit? Find attorney. Did you understand it that time? Me hope so.


Noteworthy quotes:

Even sipping a non-alcoholic beverage we will all be peeing a lot if we sip for every sidebar. Darn.



I doubt the person on the other end would see it that way, and considering the tensions, doing things “to scare” the other party was super, super dumb ass. That lawyers are accustomed to using “feints” of law to manipulate/scare people does not reflect well on the system. And certainly only contributes to situations like this one happening again/more frequently in the future.

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MBs lawyer informed her they wanted her out by 8/7. Had she agreed to it through her attorney? I thought the attorneys were still negotiating when she was shot.

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I’m guessing she has a few psych diagnoses herself. She seems quite fixated on MB still. I would not expect logic from her.


In all fairness, we are just speculating that Parra was the nearby farm with stalls available, who was willing to take on LK and her horses.

If it was Parra, even with the troubling history… There was nothing stopping LK from moving there for the next 2-3 months, while seeking an ideal next step, and broadening her search for something in another state, etc.

Also… she could have given her horses a month off from training, avoided that aspect of working with Parra, and just used the stalls and hacked out at the facility.


Very true. And she’d had plenty of time since things initially went downhill to look around for someone else.


It struck me as sort of an amazing coincidence that this guy would happen to be involved in MB’s operation in that exact time frame with his exact life experience as a retired 25 year law-enforcement professional who also worked with horses as a barefoot trimmer.

What are the odds??

And just to clarify, I don’t mean that in any sort of sarcastic way. It just does seem statistically unlikely that all those factors in that time frame would converge.

Still waiting for the other farrier to be called to the witness stand, although I think I will also send a video of this guy to my own farrier, just for his own information.

And I thought it was very interesting that this guy gave MB the advice to keep his own vehicles locked so that nobody could plant drugs in them to make him look bad. Which is a thing that never would have occurred to me, but once he said it, I could totally imagine that being an issue under the circumstances.

Even the prosecutor seemed surprised by his answer to that question on the cross examination.


But the standard thing is

  1. You notify them that they must leave in 30 days
  2. If they don’t leave in 30 days, then you have standing to have them evicted by the courts.

How could they file a notice of eviction prior to 30 days from when they gave her the demand to vacate, which was apparently Aug 4 or 5?

The attorney admitted that serving her with the notice was to scare her, rather than as part of the actual legal process.

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Technology tangent.

Until today, I was able to watch the trial in one window on Safari on my iPhone, and then change windows but still hear the trial while I was in a different window.

Today, I am not able to do that. Does anyone happen to know what changed? Or how to rectify that situation?

Thanks in advance.


One thought that come through will all the witnesses the defense has called is how much they generallly cared for MB and how upsetting it is to see what has happened to him.


@trubandloki Here’s some of the differences in what the captions say vs. what was said. I don’t know if they are from a speech to text, or someone is typing

Michael B’s name: Baris own; Barris oh; Michael Bear cells; Beer usown: Michael barisan; Michael Versa; Michael sperm; my Carrabas Zone; Michael Bear Assam

Lauren K: learn can wreck; Lauren can Iraq; Lauren cateract; Miss counteract; Lord Can Iraq; Ward Cateract

the boyfriend: Rob Bigwood

general questions/replies:
your force for ‘your horse’
over a dozen overdoses for ???
he was veiny for horse was a baby
The woman whose daughter rode with him and was a trainer herself said something about her daughter training her horse and it posted as ‘my daughter was born’
there’s lots of course parents for ‘lots of horse barns’
my own words for Batum for my own words verbatim
the level she writes up for the level she rides at
all right Eddie we for any redirect
I’m an intern for I’m an attorney
whether they be mature owners for amateur owners
oh quite free Clint for quite frequently
Porches that I’ve competed for horses that I’ve competed
a complaint in a fiction for complaint and eviction
Network for net worth
start a fiction for start eviction and finally
after Michael’s attorney reviewed his letter to Lauren and her father, the caption said ‘your dress socks’


I remember that incident. The horse was a young stallion the owner wanted to take to a licensing but he either hadn’t been started yet or was still extremely green. And apparently very, very sassy as young stallions can often be. IIRC, Parra took the horse on short notice because the owner couldn’t get the horse in another program (such as with Hilltop Farm, who has one of the best programs in the U.S. for prepping young stallions for licensings and performance testings). The horse was (so I was told by someone with “insider knowledge”) super arrogant and disrespectful of his handlers, a biter and confirmed striker, esp. on the lunge with a propensity to “come at” the lunger. Parra put the colt in super-super-short side-reins (which I was told by another party can be a useful technique for dealing with known strikers), the horse refused to go forward, Parra was insisting the horse go forward, the horse “got pissy,” reared up, and went over backwards. He hit his head on either the arena wall or the ground, convulsed a few times and died.

I don’t remember if he died from head trauma or a broken neck but the videos were indeed frightful. My thoughts were that the sidereins were WAY too tight, esp. for a green horse but I don’t have experience dealing with a super-arrogant, disrespectful young stallion who would just as soon take your head off as cooperate with you. My sense of the incident was that the colt thought he was “cock of the walk” but he met someone else who thought HE was “cock of the walk” - and the horse got the short end of the stick.


This is so common in civil disputes. You get a lawyer to write a letter saying you will sue or go to small claims court or whatever if the person doesn’t do xyz. Person csn cave ignore or defy based on their own calculation of odds. Its standard and not unethical. Interesting that LK is her here defying her father who pays the bills.


The captions are definitely AI-generated.


I believe the judge said 1:15-1:20.

Does anyone know if they started a little early this morning? When I turned it on at 9:00, they seemed to already be in full swing.

The first person I saw on the stand was the woman in the black outfit with the silver pendant. So I don’t know if I might have missed a witness before that.

Most captions are these days. YouTube interprets a any sounds as applause. Raging forest fires, overflowing rivers, tornadoes.


Other MB clients testified they found suitable, close places to go with multiple horses.
Why couldn’t LK find similar?


I know it’s common. It’s still a scare tactic designed to manipulate someone.

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Cuz she’s speshul!