Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

So, Tarshus is negotiating with Jk to get his daughter to vacate, but LK doesn’t know they want her to leave? :roll_eyes:


I just have to comment that the contrast between LK’s lawyer on the witness stand yesterday and MB’s lawyer on the stand today, 24 hours later, could not have been more stark.

And not just because of the difference in attire.


Thanks for adding additional background information. This thread is being so widely read… I think this sort of information is important to add.

It sure sounds like the videos were harrowing.
However… dealing with an aggressive young stallion and trying to prep them for testing on short notice? That’s relevant context.

Perhaps other professionals would have told the owner that the horse should just be gelded, or that getting it ready for testing in time was unrealistic. That’s what it sounds like.

But… this story doesn’t sound to me like Parra’s farm was a dangerous place in general, or that he necessarily would be abusive to other horses… like the ammy friendly equines LK owned.

And I stand by my original comment… any local dressage professional in the NJ area in August of 2019 who was willing to give LK a place to land for some duration (possibly a limited duration) so that the situation at MBs farm could be rapidly deescalated? Well… I think whoever that person was might deserve some credit. They were being part of a solution to an awful problem. Because the situation was so volatile and so public at that point in time.


I’m watching and I just had the same thought. Then I reminded myself that one was being challenged (I’m still catching up on today’s direct)… But it still doesn’t jive.

MB’s lawyer is honest and open about his little inconsistencies with memory. He doesn’t seem bothered by it. LK’s lawyer was getting red in the face and raising his voice over it.


LK was on the phone with her lawyer giving her the update on where the negotiations stood when she was shot. So obviously she knew they wanted her gone, but it looks to me that there was not yet a meeting of the minds at the instant she was shot.

It’s tragic that MB could not have waited another 2.5 days to see if it could be resolved within legal means.

I don’t think he died there. The owner was able to take him home but he was never the same. He was a beautiful horse and so young to have his life ruined like that.

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LK knew way before this that she needed to move along.
That can not, honestly, be denied.


It’s also worth noting that MB’s attorney said that most of the negotiations were between himself and JK. I don’t think MBs lawyer mentioned Mr David (LKs alleged real estate attorney) even once during his testimony…

Sort of interesting…


I dare say someone going to Helgstrand isn’t hung up on abuse allegations.

And William didn’t die at that time but rather was never usable again.


I thought this was funny considering the exchange with the judge and ED yesterday - from Twitter


My guess is because LK/JK’s lawyer was only involved for 24-48hrs. Didn’t they only have one conversation? MB’s lawyer was longstanding.


You are completely WRONG.

BY LAW the tenant must be served a predicate notice to vacate. It’s hoped the parties then agree as to vacatur. But if they don’t and 30 days passes, THEN the case can be brought to court.

The letter qualifies as predicate notice.

I was a Landlord/Tenant Court Clerk 2007 to 2017.


30 days notices are normally for vacatur.

3 and 7 day notices are normally for non payment. But I’m in another state so there’s that


Fair point. My suspicion is that LK wasn’t even listening to dear old dad by early August of 2019, and he might have thought bringing in another attorney to deal with his own daughter would be a useful tactic in getting her to agree to a new plan of some kind.

I don’t know the full backstory involving JK… but from what little I have heard at trial yesterday and today with these two real estate attorney witnesses, it seems like he might have realized that the situation involving his daughter was spiraling out of control as of August 2019, and he too might have been looking for an “off ramp” at that point in time.

Clearly, by 8/5 - 8/7, LK was in some sort of vindictive overdrive, and MB was becoming completely emotionally unglued.

Really really sad. It seems there were a lot of people on the sidelines trying hard to prevent this thing from ending in utter tragedy.


I actually had a notification about Tiger Woods pop up on my phone screen this morning as I was watching the trial. I immediately thought that the judge would probably be so excited about it. I wish I had snapped a screenshot at that time, but I did not think of it.

Can anyone summon @DreadPirateRoberts to help lighten the sadness and stress we’ve heard today on the stand, please?


As a student with multiple horses testified that she had to vacate due to LK that completely opens LK up to a civil suit and makes her likely culpable for slander/libel and loss of income due to her behavior.

Yet another irony.


I think they were looking into vacating, but hadn’t done so yet. But I hear what you are saying.

There definitely seems to have been an intention to destroy MBs business. I also am wondering what threats (or implied threats) might have been made that are simply not evidence at trial, because it seems like multiple clients had grown VERY concerned about the welfare of their horses at this facility, and this was somehow related to LK and RG.

These sorts of stories makes me glad I have a small home farm. It’s not always easy or perfect… but it is peaceful and safe for me and my equines.


Can someone please enlighten me on RG going missing?

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I would be surprised if your impression changes on the cross examination. The two lawyers just appear to be worlds and worlds apart.

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