Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I think he went missing from a job in NC before mb was involved


[quote=“MHM, post:6452, topic:770941, full:true”]

Indeed my impression did not. He was presented with the potentially flustering evidence of the notice not being filed and it seemed the Prosecutor wanted to make a bigger deal out of it, and the Lawyer just shrugged and explained calmly. This is what happened. I stand by it. It’s normal.

That’s really all LKs lawyer had to do isn’t it? He was explaining his normal practice. Just calmly explain it and say this is how it goes. Why be a jerk about it?

Getting the impression people choose lawyers that reflect themselves and how they manage their lives…


This is super common behavior when it comes to contractors who also have substance abuse issues… just saying.



Gosh, I think you are right. It happened quite some years ago, so I had forgotten that.

I think I was remembering another horrible video where a stallion was killed during a live cover incident - kicked in the head, convulsed a few times and died. :worried:


I think this question came up yesterday, although I may have lost track of the passage of time a little bit.

But somebody asked if it was possible to back up or rewind the trial video when it’s live. I found I was not able to do that when I was watching on the Law and Crime website, but I was able to do it if I watched the live broadcast on the Law and Crime channel on YouTube.

Just FYI for anyone who’s interested.


Brian Gibson is taking the stand. He is a public insurance adjuster :face_with_monocle: :thinking: :woman_shrugging:

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Over and over again she has been proven to be fond of repeating and telling untruths as well as projection.


Has anyone else realized what is going on here? The defense is systematically working through all of the negative claims LK made in her testimony, that were previewed here over the last two years, in order to impeach her testimony.


My dear lady, I am not sure I can help to lighten the mood. However, I take heart in today’s testimony.

You see, I am a lowly farm boy who has never had occasion to rub elbows with the wealthy horse owners and elite athletes at the top of the equestrian world. Several of last week’s testimonies made me fear that dysfunction, aversion to working for one’s goals, and antisocial behavior simply go hand-in-hand with wealth, priviledge, and status, even in a world like equestrianism that should be grounded in compassion.

Today we have seen multiple elite and aspiring riders and presumably wealthy patrons of the sport demonstrate an abundance of empathy and integrity, and I take heart in knowing that there is goodness at all levels of the equestrian world and that the defendant has apparently lovely supporters in his corner even as he experiences what must be a terrible ordeal in court.


you can in Florida

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Huh. So this guy was contacted by MB in January of 2019 concerning the pipe that burst in the farmhouse. Because MB was making an insurance claim related to the burst pipe and related damage.

Hmmmm. I’m curious as to where this testimony might be going…

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I think we are getting to why the house was eventually in the ‘horrific’ state that it was when the fire marshal was there… As in, it was that way for a purpose? Not sure how this helps though.


He’s starting to establish just how little RG did on the house.


I believe LK accused Barisone of insurance fraud at some point in time…


I am loving all these witnesses today who remembered to bring their own reading glasses.


Insurance claim guy talks about the immediate remediation they did to deal with water damage from the burst pipe. They used a company called code Blue, and wet Sheetrock from walls, as well as portions of the ceiling and insulation was removed. To prevent further damage.

This was a common burst pipe situation, and common claim.

This insurance guy says he never spoke with Lauren Kanarek related to the claim.

Insurance guy said he did check the propane tank to make sure it was full, and make sure heat was possible in the home following the burst pipe. Because that’s a standard practice. Lost heat in homes can result in further burst pipes, etc.

Now they are reviewing propane contracts, and gallons delivered to the tank at the farmhouse.

And… the judge shut down this testimony.



Philip Dutton?!


Philip Dutton is involved in this trial and testifying? Weird.

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