Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

The right lung is shorter than the left lung to make room for the liver. The left lung is narrower than the right to make room for the heart.


See, you are presuming she needs him to negotiate for her. Some of us think that he (JK) is keeping careful hold of the purse strings, essentially what is going in, and coming out, of his daughters bank account. Likely because:

  1. she has a history of substance abuse
  2. good old RG is still around. And he also has a history of substance abuse, and is a no load

So JK controlling boarding and living arrangements means he can do some regular “damage control” when it comes to his daughter’s life. And he can keep an eyeball on her monthly expenses, and the flow of money into and out of her account. Because he is the one adding money to her bank accounts, and he has actual details concerning how much board for her horses, and her monthly rent/mortgage should cost… and thus if she has excessive money going out each month, thousands of dollars above and beyond her regular expenses, it’s a good indication that the substance abuse issues both she and RG struggle with might be rearing their ugly head again.

That’s my take on it all. Really sad stuff.


Ah I thought this post was continuing on alternate theories. I see it’s not. Carry on! Yes, the anatomical sketch upthread shows the lungs are way higher up than we think.

Interesting, thanks.

Very helpful. Thank you!

And definitely located much higher than I thought.

Edited to add: The details of the lung anatomy are just wild. It’s pretty remarkable when you stop and think about how incredibly well designed everything is.


My pleasure. It was faster to find and post an image than find the one earlier in the thread. But the earlier post is worth finding and reading.

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My dad always said that we’re judged by the company that we keep. In my opinion, MB’s friends probably reflect the person that he is. Decent, intelligent, hard-working. LK/RG - not so much.

I find it hard to believe that any trainer would want to continue working with LK after seeing this trial. They are putting themselves and their other clients at risk.

Things may be OK right now, but with an individual like this, they always end up showing their real character in the end. Yes, one has to make a living, but selling one’s soul to the devil is never worth it.


Turning this over in my brain a little bit, I wonder if the defense at some point will have somebody who is 6’3” stand in the court room next to somebody who is a foot shorter, and illustrate how the testimony from LK/RG does not align with the trajectory testimony from the surgeon.

Somehow I have a feeling that is something that is more likely to happen in a trial on TV than in real life, but I don’t know that for a fact.


I think you nailed it @Cat_Tap!!!


I can understand the damage to the upper portion of the lung. But the surgeon said there was also damage to a LOWER lobe. And I find that concept perplexing, esp. when the entrance wounds were so high up, and esp. if the exit wounds were on the back. Yes, the rounds could have been deflected by bone but I can’t remember if the surgeon mentioned damage to ribs, etc

Nor can I quite grasp how someone could execute that type of shot to their own body, esp. if they were aiming at their breast implant. How do hold the gun at that angle to have a round enter high up on your chest, go through your breast implant, deflect downward through your lung and exit through the back? Not to mention TWO shots at your breast implant, esp. for someone not accustomed to shooting and having to deal with not only the SOUND of the shots but the recoil.

Maybe I will figure it out overnight but if not, I guess I will have to stay perplexed. :upside_down_face:

Bullet bits can bounce around inside.


MB had gun powder residue on his hands so he must have shot the gun. I know that no one “thought” to test RG or LK, but MB had to have shot the gun at least once. Right?


I seem to recall a post from LK along those lines. Along with her claim that the older couple who owned the property even wanted them to stay on afterwards.

However, considering her testimony under oath last week on the stand that she lies all the time on social media, you can take that for whatever it’s worth.


No. Not right.
Thing of gunshot residue like flour while you are baking. It can rub and get anywhere and everywhere.
If there was a struggle it was easy to transfer it all over.
If someone else wanted him to have residue all they had to do is rub it there.
Not testing anyone else was wrong…so very wrong…


well, apparently the residue is easily transferred.
Maybe that was the 3rd shot? Going through the window?

I sure hope one would not take their revenge fantasies so far as to maim themselves, but then again, stranger things have happened.

The cops did the cardinal mistake of believing one story without doing their own legwork.
I suppose the tag team Boris and Natasha had heard the old adage: when you shoot somebody on your property, make sure they are good and dead, the police does not want to deal with two sides of the story.


But she was talking to ED. He was the ear witness. He heard her say she’d been shot after he heard the two gunshots.

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That’s the part that confused me. Especially since it sounded like he was also working much lower down on her torso. But the picture that was in evidence certainly showed that the marks from the bullets were much higher.

The bullet could have fragmented and caused damage outside the direct course of the bullet?


The officer testified that the only bullet they could determine a trajectory for was the window, and that was an upward 14 degree trajectory. It was suggested by the defense, and left undefined/unchallenged by the prosecution, that the bullet could have gone through LK and then on through the two windows.

I was suggesting that physically, one could reach the location of the entry wounds with a gun held by the right hand, and reach an upward trajectory . Also, if LK was bent over while she was shot, that could result in the lower lobe being damaged in addition to the upward trajectory. Also, the ear witness only confirmed two shots, not three.

Do I think that is necessary what happened, probably not, but entirely within realm of possibility.


That really seems to be glaringly obvious, and it keeps coming up again and again with different witnesses.

I wonder if the jury is grasping the significance of that whole aspect.

Edited to add: Does 48 hours usually talk to the jury members after the trial?