Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Is that as accurate as the rest of what he says he heard, which was her collapse right after? When both her and RB say that is not what happened?


I truly believe forensics would show if LK shot her self. The way trajectories are determined is usually quite accurate.

Can someone confirm if forensics stated a bullet came from the position of in front of the vehicle? I seem to recall something like that.

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Ba da bing. Reasonable doubt.


Gun powder residue is transferable. It does not, in isolation, definitely prove MB shot the gun.


he heard the phone drop.
or believes he did.


If I recall correctly, the trajectory policeman said that the line/flight path/trajectory/whatever you want to call it of the bullet went from the front of the truck near the ground at an upwards angle through the laundry room and out the back window.

BUT I believe he said there was no way to determine exactly where the bullet originated on that trajectory.

So the bullet could have started near the ground by the front of the truck, or anywhere else along that path until it got to the laundry room door and then continued out through the back laundry room window.

That was my understanding of it, anyway.


Then why didn’t the ear witness hear her beating MB in the head with the phone?

Why was she talking to ED on RGs phone but couldn’t dial her phone due to blood? Which phone was it?

Why couldn’t she dial because her hands were full of blood yet her wounds weren’t that bloody but MBs were?


Imagine being a member of this jury and you are now in deliberations. (You only know what they know).

It is obvious that MB is a mess (unless they think it’s an act) and after the character witnesses today, you are thinking “OK, so LK is a conniving witch. She is evil on SM and snuck around dressed all in black—including a ‘veil’ and that brought him to his knees? Really?”

Well, there is also the visit from CPS, which could be important, but I don’t think they are getting enough of the whole story and I do not know how to help them……

I understand that the victims are not on trial. It’s just frustrating that they are getting 1/10th of the picture.


But if that had happened, wouldn’t they have found fragments in her? Or multiple exit wounds from the fragments? I thought they said they never recovered any part of the bullets.

This is the part where I’m almost starting to regret never watching any of those CSI shows.

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What if RG shot her? Stood over her and shot her? I can’t get crazy enough to speculate why, but what if? I just don’t think she could shoot herself twice. Once, but not twice. The other more realistic possiblity is that they were beating up MB when the ED guy called, and that’s why she didn’t answer, then RG’s phone rings, he gets up momentarily to answer, hands her the phone, MB grabs the gun and shoots her, or RB has the gun and comes back after handing her the phone, and MB wrestles and the gun goes off and shoots her as she’s talking on RB’s phone. That might explain why she didn’t answer her phone, because she had been beating MB with it.


What if they beat MB, including choking him to unconsciousness, then RG shot her, with the gun she took from the office safe, in an attempt to frame MB?


from what I gather, the doctors had to cut LK wide open, stem to stern, in order to get to the bleeders.


Another realistic possibility. They had a plan, apparently. What it was seems complicated, but I think it had to do with getting the property and getting MB out of the way. Ruining him and MHG.


Ah, I see. Thanks.

Still wondering how there was damage to the lower part of the lung based on the location of the entry wounds at an upward angle.

Or was the surgeon not the one who said upward angle? Was it only the crime scene officer who mentioned the upward trajectory?

I can’t believe that testimony was only a week ago. It feels like at least a month.

We don’t know…

  • how the gun got there
  • who fired the gun
  • how many shots were fired (2 or three?)

I don’t think you can rule out any possibility when drugs are potentially involved. Some drugs can easily make someone get particularly violent.


Actually, it was front to back on the left side mid way up the torso.

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At that point, wouldn’t it have been easier to just shoot the unconscious MB? Rather than LK? And claim self defense?

I’m just really having trouble with the concept that anyone would be crazy enough to shoot themselves or their partner in such a scheme. I’m not saying it’s impossible, just very highly unlikely.


Has LK been asked when she noticed the gun was missing? How she came to believe the gun was missing? Who told her the gun was missing? Were other people on the property saying that the gun was missing (strike that, hear-say).


Lots of things these people have done have not made sense.
Step back to the fact that she was offered an easy out and chose to stay.
Killing MB would not have tortured him enough.