Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

They said there were two more witnesses, and two more experts. LK could be one. I suspect that whoever they are will be impactful. Hopefuly.


Isn’t it just the two experts left now?

Oh, sorry, thought that was just 2 more witnesses total and they were both experts.

No, four. Judge asked (sorry, watching My Cousing Vinny. The judge “axed”) how many moresaid they would start at 1pm tomorrow, then the prosecution could cross on Thursday.

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Was that for the whole trial? Or just for Wednesday?

I thought the judge said it was starting at the usual time on Wednesday and then starting in the afternoon on Thursday.


Sorry Just reviewed it. Fully day tomorrow (wed) with two lay witnesses and two experts. Its Thursday that they will start at 1pm with whatever is left over, probably the prosecution rebuttal.

Discussion of witnesses for tomorrow - couldn’t hear it all, wish I could starting at 43:00 or a little past that.

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Ah, my mistake.

So, is the feeling that defence will wrap up tomorrow? If they call back anyone like LK or RG, that will certainly be something. I imagine they’d have to have them declared hostile witnesses given what we’ve seen so far.

I think after. But it doesn’t sound like the gun was missing at all if MB removed it from the safe right before the shooting

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Legally I’m not sure it’s relevant, and it may be prejudicial. Their behaviour doesn’t matter because bad behaviour isn’t justification for shooting someone. And whether they drove him to insanity apparently isn’t relevant legally because it doesn’t matter why MB may have been insane, just whether or not he was. I don’t get it either.


But, we have zero proof that he did that. No one saw him remove it; no one saw him carry it to his truck; and there is no evidence linking him to the gun at the scene (DNA, fingerprints, etc.) other than the testimony of LK and RG. That testimony was maked by lies (proven by the defence, not just the ones we know here); given by two interested parties who admitted to, among others, illegal drug use and a stated plan to destroy the defendant (based on their own words in texts and SM posts and confirmed on the stand by LK); and the testimonies of the two witnesses did not match each other, nor did either of the version of events match the testimony of the earwitness.

So, I do not think we can say with certainty


Agreed, it seems to be by the book and bad behaviour certainly is not a reason to shoot someone. But, if they are establishing state of mind, it seems highly relevant. That’s the confounding part.


Even though he’s been downgraded from fiance to boyfriend, I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t leave - if he does so he loses all access to money and lifestyle (such as it may be). Also fairly sure she wouldn’t let him leave - regardless of how this court case turns out, he knows far too much to be just let go easily from that situation. However, if I was RG and was actively looking for a way out, I’d be extremely careful about how I did it. :grimacing:


I’m really surprised the defence hasn’t called Shelly Nelly Belly. From what LK said all over SM, she knows a lot of the back story and apparently was bedside at hospital after LK was shot.


Its blatantly obvious that the police department dropped the ball big time and should have been & still should be held accountable.


Oh what a tangled web…

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I would LOVE to see the defense recall LK and/or RG!!!


Is that somebody’s actual name? Or a nickname?

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I believe her name is Shelley REDACTED REDACTED, she’s LKs best friend and they gush all over each other on SM using nick names like that. I don’t believe she’s ever appeared on this forum. EDIT to remove names.