Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I wonder if this was around the same time as when RC gave MB the gun to put in the safe?


Another story where someone is claiming “it’s just social media”
A police officer bragged online about his role in the January 6 attack. His defense lawyer argued at trial that it was just social media bravado. (


Two different witnesses yesterday said their private conversations with MB, held either in his office or the club room, were posted word for word, on SM by LK. Does anyone remember what that was?


You would think that security cameras would have already been in place all over the property…you can’t assume nothing will ever happen no matter the neighborhood.


Didn’t the judge call a sidebar immediately after that? I wonder if it was to ream the prosecution over the laughing.


For some people, their “truth” is the ONLY truth, their facts are the ONLY facts. They are truly (pun intended) incapable of grasping or understanding that the ACTUAL truth or ACTUAL facts may not be what they want them to be. It is frequently seen in people with extreme narcissistic personality disorders and often accompanied by extreme delusions of grandeur which can be exacerbated by other psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia or severe bipolar disorder (and also in people with substance abuse disorders).

Full disclosure: I am not a psychologist or psychiatrist but have experience with a former family member who ended up institutionalized with multiple psychiatric diseases that made him a serious danger to himself and others. He eventually "recovered’ enough to be released but went off his meds, killed someone and ended up in prison, where he died some years later. It nearly destroyed my uncle (his father).


Here’s a slightly funny thing that just happened. I must have somehow accidentally muted my notifications for this thread, so when I tried to find it a couple of minutes later, it did not show up. And of course, I immediately thought that the thread had been disappeared, the judge had ordered the Chronicle to shut it down, etc., etc.

Luckily, that turned out to be not the case. So far, anyway. Knock wood. Lol.


Live (brag and threaten) by the SM post; be held accountable by the SM post.

For some folks, accountability for their actions is a completely foreign experience.


Wow, that is just tragic. I’m really sorry that happened to your family.


Yikes. So sorry your family went through that. How heartbreaking.

Many thanks again to you and everyone else here who has shared your experiences.


There is something about the nature of social media that leads people to believe it is transitory and ephemeral; no matter all the evidence to the contrary.

Over 20 years ago, teenagers who committed a premeditated assault were shocked to find the police read their posts planning it and then bragging about it on My Space and Friendster and used that to charge and convict them.

The apps have changed, but the delusion that no one can track your activity on social media has persisted.


I think that is actually still open to interpretation. No one actually saw MB take the gun from the safe or saw him with the gun that day besides LK and RG. What was testified to is that he repeatedly interrupted the CPS meeting in the office and eventually asked them to leave.

He could have just as easily been desperate to verify the gun was simply there and found it not there as opposed to just taking it.

Also, one must consider, what was important enough to take him down to the house that day, when the day before he was too scared to go to leave code violations?


What if MB didn’t have a Mental break, remembered clearly, and told his side of the altercation as a self defense story like many here have outlined
*Wanted to talk, make them admit they fabricated the CPS stuff … they jumped on him/the dog attacked/they beat him…gun accidentally discharges…

Which would we all believe?


What the conversation was?
No, because those people haven’t been on her blabbing about it for two years.


I wonder how often she did it


The other thing that still surprises me is the degree to which cameras are practically everywhere. How many times do you see a clip on the news where the police are able to post pictures of a suspect taken from five different security cameras in the vicinity of a crime? It’s crazy.


There were sound activated, little ones, smaller than a cell phone, that docs often used to dictate into back in the late 90s,nearly 2000s.
They used tiny tape cassettes.


Hmmmm, maybe ambiguous. He says both that MB’s hands were swabbed AND no one’s hands were swabbed (not no one else, no one). See below a transcript. That last question about “was any testing done on anyone” seems pretty clear that they didn’t even do MB’s hands.

EB: Who’s hand did you request to be swabbed?
LEO: Michael Barisone
EB: And why did request that Michael Barisone’s hands be swabbed for gunshot residue?
LEO: Due to information at the scene, um, we were advised that he was the shooter.
[discussion of the significance of GSR in which officer incorrectly states that it would “prove that he had shot a weapon” which has been clarified as inaccurate]

EB: To your knowledge, was any GSR testing done on anyone in this case?
LEO: No.


That’s what I heard as well. It left me confused.


See, that’s the part that surprised me at the end. I would have expected the defense lawyer to follow that up with something like, “So MB’s hands were not actually swabbed, then? Even though you said you got a warrant?” Or something similar.

Where did you find the transcript?