Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Any future victim should be upset about this.


Maybe he wanted to leave it ambiguous. More room for doubt. Even in his closing remarks, he can point out that the witness said both things, as a reason to doubt the whole shebang. Nothing wrong with leaving it ambiguous. The ambiguity speaks for its own incompenent actions.


Hmm. Maybe.

I’m still wondering if he might circle back and do something similar regarding RG’s military service record.


I’m 90% sure the sidebar was because the judge was in agreement with the prosecutor about the dog being brought up again - the Prosecutor was laughing at the question being posed repeatedly. However, the poor girl would have no way of knowing this.

I felt for her. 18yrs old in a scary room about a scary and serious thing, and a bunch of grown men arguing about the questions being asked of her and her answers.



The other thing I keep noticing when they all gather around the judge for a sidebar is that once again, it’s a bunch of mostly older white guys. Not much diversity on display there.

Which has nothing specific to do with this case, it’s just a general observation of how things still look in the criminal justice system in 2022.


I am familiar with this topic, but not a subject matter expert. There are specialized tools for “debugging” depending on the type of device used. So I would not automatically assume the company MB used was a scam.


Sorry for commenting on older posts, I am 100s of posts behind this morning and I comment as things come up.

LK is aware of lots of rules and laws of the world, that does not mean she follows them.
I am not going to go dig up the quote, but she is the one who said on the stand that she lies on social media.


I think he is afraid of others, not himself.

Hurt? Even if you do not agree with the defense side, I am not able to see how anything that was said today hurt them.
I can see you saying today did not help the defense (because you do not want it to), but how in the world did it hurt them?

I don’t think we know that MB removed it from the safe right before the shooting. Some people are theorizing that. But there are no facts that make that a for sure thing.

I can say that if I was on a jury and afterwards I learned all kinds of things that the judge would not let me know, like LK and RG’s history of tormenting everyone there, and how everyone was afraid of them, I would be really pissed that they expected me to make a decision without that information.

I have had this thought too.
He knows far too much for them to just let him walk away.

If you read upthread a bit, the police actually said they had a warrant to test his hands but they tested no hands, not even MB.
(Just want to make sure the facts are repeated so others who might have missed it are reading facts.)

LK testified that if they installed cameras she planned to dismantle them so it would have been a waste of money for MB to install security cameras.


Didn’t an officer on one of the first days testify they swabbed MBs hand for GSR and it came back positive?


Does it matter who said it or that it was said at all?

Imagine that you’re not allowed into a barn at night and a security person is HIRED to make sure you comply. And then you pop out of he wiods at night wearing all black and a veil but no shoes.

Who DOES that?


I doubt we will hear anything further of RG’s military record. There is in existence a photo of RG in USMC Dress Blues. These photos are almost always taken during the 5th week of basic training. That doesn’t mean to say he did or didn’t complete basic, and it really is not important. It actually helps the defense if the jury believes that RG was a well trained Marine.

Three Marines I know watched part of his testimony and were not impressed with how he presented himself as a true Marine would have. Those chips can lay where they fell.


And back to “who DOES that?!” has anyone here ever dismantled or THOUGHT of dismantling your barns security cameras?



I wrote down “two eye, two expert witness”


I just popped on my headphones and typed it my dang self!


My general thought to life is that I do not touch things that are not mine to touch, so I would for sure never think to dismantle any security cameras anywhere.
But then, I do not have anything I need to hide, which I guess is not true for some people who think they should be able to dismantle cameras installed by someone else on their own property.


I think another interesting piece of testimony yesterday was when the guy who rode the young horses at MB’s mentioned that he had started locking his doors on the property, which he had never done before.

Hopefully the jury is remembering comments like that from him and the other people who were on the property, even if the judge won’t let the defense lawyers address it head on.

And for sure, there is a whole sticky situation now between LK/RG/JK from the looks of things. Good luck with that.


I’m pretty sure for this entire trial - and even the 2 years worth of threads here - I’ve asked myself that same question. WHO DOES this sort of stuff?! It’s mind boggling to me.


That’s what I thought they said as well. But then I think someone said later they had tested the clothes for GSR, not the hands?

It’s certainly giving me more respect for the plight of the jury, trying keep all this information straight, and knowing that the rest of somebody’s life hangs in the balance.


And not allowed to take notes.

Some of you amazingly generous legal people, why would the judge not want the jury to take notes?


That occurred to me belatedly, since it was not something that would have crossed my mind to do. Lol.



If I was on a jury, as a medical / researcher type, the volume of notes I would be trying to take would be overwhelming. I would need a laptop. I’d lose focus on listening while I tried to write down every important detail. I am assuming he wants to avoid that. It’s the overall impression and important facts can be reviewed later.

Personally, it would drive me batty and I’d lose my cool trying to keep track of everything. I’d make a horrible juror unless I had detailed notes in front of me.