Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28



Either he withdrew as counsel or he wasn’t that kind of attorney or they didn’t want him.


I think this was the point of the background check and the searching acquaintances for anyone who could tell them anything, by MB and MHG


I wonder how many lawyers ago that was.


Lisa Campo has just taken the stand.

She was a physician assistant at Morristown Medical Center, but has recently retired.

She apparently treated MB on August 7th (there are notes), but she doesn’t recollect it off hand. She was present in a trauma room.

When I was on the jury we were told not to take notes and not to discuss the case at all, even between jurors until deliberations. The issue mentioned with notes is that one juror might accidentally leave something out for another juror to read which may influence them before deliberations started.

Once deliberations start jurors can request testimony be read back and any videos replayed. My case wasn’t videoed AFAIK, but in this case the jurors MAY be able to watch a video of testimony instead of having a transcript read back. I don’t know the procedure for sure, I only know what happened in my case which was in federal court.


100% this!

LK made a big show of fawning over the LEOs who responded that day. However, from a super pro-victim viewpoint, they did the prosecution and the victim no favours.

Knowing how litigious that family is, if MB walks, or even gets not guilty on the attempted murder charges, I would be gobsmacked if their very next move isn’t suing the PD.

I say this b/c, that scene and the evidence were so badly handled that I, myself, would be tempted to sue them, just so they get their :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: together for the next victim. And I’ve sued/threatened to sue exactly zero people/entities in my life.

THAT’S how badly I think they handled this. I would be beyond livid if I were the victims/their families.

Speaking of family, is anyone in the courtroom from RG’s family/friends to support him, or just the K family?


This would be another good contender for a last line to be automatically added onto every post on this thread if we can figure out how to tweak the BB settings.


I think also we had no idea who else was at the farm and Lauren wanted it to sound like her money was critical to continued functioning of his business. In reality, there were 40+ horses, multiple high level pro trainers and deep pocket clients each with multiple horses. And some of her horses stayed for free, and others at a reduced rate for training board with an Olympian. She was clearly a money sink, even before she started driving clients away.

Did anyone say anything specific about why they were all afraid of her and what she might do to the horses? Was it largely the constant barrage of escalating behavior and violent language? Did she make specific threats about DD? I can imagine all sorts of things, but i am getting the impression they are not allowed to say explicitly? Is that right?


Thank you for the correction!


She noted that MB was awake, but only oriented times 1. That means he recognized his name, but not much else.

They talk about his injuries. Multiple puncture wounds are mentioned.

Me speaking here… maybe lots of dog bites? They mentioned the arm, flank, etc. more than just the groin.


You are watching yesterday’s feed—refresh and try again—they haven’t really started yet.


That was yesterday

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Undecided is “not guilty”


It seems the Kanareks go through attorneys like the rest of us go through a bag of feed. Where’s the white shoe, white collar, white whatever Top Five Global team with a partner she posted about. Surely it isn’t Ed David!


Andrea Huber has just taken the stand.

She is the director of a non profit in Long Valley.

She’s a volunteer member of a Long Valley first aid squad. She’s a certified EMT in NJ.

She responded to the call on 8/7 at MBs farm.

She treated MB on 8/7

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It appears that Law and Crime is showing yesterday’s day 7 recording. Youtube looks like it will show day 8, which should be today, but it hasn’t started yet?

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The day 8 feed is up on YouTube, but still just seeing the state of New Jersey seal

Correct. I’m on youtube day 8 and it is showing just the bench

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Oooos! Got it. :rofl: Thanks!

It seems like they are playing it now on the Law and Crime channel where the live feed normally comes up.

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