Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I wonder what the hold up today is. maybe its a stubborn witness!


I get the impression that the start was gradual. But that there was tension between LK and MHG at the root.

If you have seen some of Joey’s comments on these forums and Facebook, LK has a very specific bizarre jealous streak. She’s repeatedly harassed past girlfriends of her past boyfriends, for no real reason whatsoever, except that LK has this really specific, intense jealous streak.

My guess is that something about MHG triggered that jealous streak in LK… and that’s how the whole mess got started. And surrounding people (most especially MB) didn’t realize how intensely and quickly LK would escalate, until it was too late, and they found themselves in a full blown psychological war with her… and there was no identifiable “off ramp” from this bizarre war.

As I’ve said earlier, at some point RG saw a “shakedown” opportunity as well to get thousands in cash from MB for the “construction work” … and I think RG was part of egging LK on, and discouraged her from agreeing to leave until they got money out of MB as well.

Just my perception of the situation after piecing together various elements


Agree, more reason for more cameras.
The lobby of the PD where MB talked to officers might confirm he was there, the date and time, and maybe have sound.
I hope it hasn’t been taped over, if it exists.


Today hasn’t started yet, just so you know.

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I think MHG is everything LK will never be.
And part of the reason for that is simply because LK won’t even do the work. It’s truly sad.


Puncture wounds were likely dog bites? That’s interesting. Probably.


I wonder if they are arguing over the relevance of one of the Defence witnesses. I get the impression that Taylor is very clear there will be NO character assasination of the victims. (Using Taylor’s words, not my own)


Drugs take priority over everything. She might be more interested in her riding if she wasn’t taking time off to “sleep”.


yep, would be my guess

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I haven’t seen LK ride, but based on the pictures I’ve seen, she looks nice on a horse and could probably be a good rider, if she focused her efforts on that instead of on trying to get revenge for every little perceived slight in her life.


They are here

I understand that character assassination of the witnesses is inappropriate.

HOWEVER… the defense is arguing self defense. And that MB was driven to insanity. And it seems like the judge is really blocking them from presenting their defense. And that’s actually a problem.

It’s a really muddy line in this trial…


Oooh, a “legal issue” with one of the experts? At a hearing they had both agreed on the experts. Interesting

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There was some sort of “legal issue” with one of the expert witnesses that caused the delay.

Oooh wow - Boyd Martin is taking the stand. Awesome!


Ugh, another fire
But maybe that’s on purpose.
Maybe MB feared a fire could be a form of attack against him?



Drool. He can stay on the stand please and just say random words.


Boyd describes MB as a “legend.” MB started coaching Boyd in 2010.

Awwww - he’s so kind in how he describes MB. Describes him as “one of the best in the world.”


Boydy Boyd on the stand. Well this is unexpected haha