Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Psychiatrist is now on the stand. He went Colombia for undergrad, NYU for Med school.

Treated military patients for psych issues for a few years.

Then was a director of medical student education for Rutgers for almost 30 years.

Now he is back with Colombia in some capacity.

He’s also been in private practice the whole time and has treated thousands of patients.

He’s a board certified psychiatrist.

In 1994, he got certified in a sub specialty - forensic psychiatry.

He worked with residents at Colombia and Cornell as well.

In short… a VERY well qualified psychiatrist.


I use one and I will pre steam hay, then “freshen it” up ( or resteam entirely) the next day. That way I can give horse a bit of already steamed hay while it steams again. I also use a timer that cuts the power after my selected time length . And I never run the water reservoir below 1/4 full. Buy a timer with the “flip down keys” that is hardy enough for barn use. And then, unplug after the timer runs.


I highly suspect they are even, gasp, DATED.


Completely agree. I find it utterly heartbreaking.


He must be reliving the good life he had, that he lost. Presumably by offering a nice barter deal to LK and RG.


How long does it last “pre-steamed?” Haygain?

Oh, I want his “The Race Trap” book!!!

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Dr. Smiring reminds me of someone that we invite to give keynote addresses at our academic events at the university. He’s obviously well practiced at giving his bio and making jokes about himself and his background. He’s used to entertaining an audience.


Just a word about dog bites:

I’ve been bitten by countless dogs as a vet tech and in life in general. Also have been bitten by half coyote and a full on pure Timber wolf.

When you don’t pull away you get punctures only. When you do pull away the injuries are much larger.

If all MB had were punctures maybe he wasn’t pulling away or was unable to due to being incapacitated.

It’s just a thought.


100 %

He’s going to be very good at testifying.


Man this guy is high powered. He’s done a LOT.

So curious as to how this will continue.


Dr Simring comes across as very likable as well as fabulously qualified and boy is he poised and professional. You can tell this is not his first rodeo, as the kids say.


I find its good steamed until its thoroughly dried then should be steamed again if you need to.

One of my mares has bad allergies and was getting nosebleeds from coughing…hay steamer solved the issue entirely after treating her with the vet. Haven’t had the issue again.


First - that sounds AWFUL. I’m so sorry.

Second - agreed. I think that dog went to town on him when he was down on the ground, passed out from a choke hold.


How about this? MB drives to the house beside himself, pissed about CPS, the eviction (when he doesn’t know the inspector told LK and RG they could re-enter the house), and all the unravelling that has occurred. RG’s testimony about MB starting with, “I don’t want a war…” or whatever, is false to make MB seem under control.

LK is actually the first to confront MB and starts jumping around, hits him a couple times with her phone, backing him up to his truck (sound familiar?) Hits him hard enough to cause blood, head wounds bleed profusely. She’s not pounding him, but has backed him up as she screams at him. In the meantime, ED is trying to call her.

RG is in the house, takes ED’s call and steps out accidentally releasing Rosie who comes and stands aside. RG carries his phone to LK. She pulls the gun out of her pocket and hands it to RG telling him to hold MB there while she talks to ED.

RG does or says something… Rosie starts to attack MB (multiple bite marks), while LK talks to ED. MB in defending himself from Rosie and RG, get into a struggle over the gun, at which point LK says, “Michael has the gun”.

Gun goes off. LK gets hit. Rob has MB on the ground beating and choking him into unconsciousness while LK and/or ED call 911. Third shot is a fantasy story RG makes up to make himself a victim as well.


I could honestly listen to this guy explain things all day. He’s fabulous. The jury is getting a treat. A well explained and clear outline of his role and his involvement.

It think it would be very difficult to not believe whatever his opinion is shown to be. He has well set himself up to have his word taken as gospel at this point.


Trying to reconcile how I’d handle it with a farmsitter while I’m gone, or traveling to clinics and shows.

I have a pony with a little bit of a cough when eating hay. It’s recent onset but I want to get ahead of it. So far soaking is a horrible mess and feeding in nets is better but not perfect. So I think it’s either commit to the steamer or go for a soaked/cube or pellet diet.

Very true. My poor sister was out with her lovely Goldendoodle last week and her two toddlers walking in the neighborhood. Some asshat came over and basically trapped the dog between the stroller and a wall and reached in to pet the dog without even asking. All happened in about 10 seconds. Dog nipped the asshat.

It was a wake up call for them - that even the best dog can have a moment. They reached out to a trainer immediately, who they’ve worked with already.

Also, a great wake up for my SO, who loves all dogs and will reach out to pet dogs sometimes without asking. He’s very tall and can be somewhat intimidating to dogs who are not used to someone towering over them.


He’s a great teacher! Who clearly loves teaching.


Yeah I can’t say that anybody has studied that. One of my charges has heaves. I had a hay steamer short out once and it is a little bit of a nerve-racking.

for sure the horses love the steamed day I’ll give it to everybody N really cold days and they chow it down. Smells wonderful too.

For the heavey horse we steam to kill anything micro that might be living on the hay. So my theory is that if I’m steaming it
12 hours in advance and it sits outside in the subzero cold I don’t think any mold is gonna grow on it in that time. So that’s my theory for that procedure.

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