Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

People should but it doesn’t appear so. Not by this forum. Amateur psychiatric evaluations. Trashing an entire family when others have testified the heartbreak and helplessness in dealing with their own family members.

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Dr. Simring obviously has the mind of a steel trap.


Which is why, at least where I live, medical types are not eligible for jury duty :smile:. We think too much.


What the heck is happening with all these allegations of sexual abuse being listed in Dr Simring’s documentation?

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Unflappable. Prosecution is attempting to show that small inconsistencies and things that MB may not have knows previously are important…

However, Simring is clear that these small things are very much UNimportant when the bigger picture is taken into account.

It’s nice that so far Simring has just rolled with these questions. He’s holding that the mental STATE of MB is what is important, not these details.


Nice try. Hyperbole doesn’t help your cause.


Twist twist twist. Self defense from shooting someone is the topic, not divorce or walking out on the relationship.

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Is this a bigger issue than I’m understanding??

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Hmmmm… we are getting into the details of the child services complaint.

But… it’s still sort of muddled.

“Someone had reported allegations of abuse by MB against MHGs children”

Ugggh. It sounds like prosecution is trying to discredit the idea that LK accused MB of sexual abuse.

But… what does it freaking matter?!? LK still obviously reported something to SafeSport that kicked off a child welfare investigation.

Simring ties this back to MBs issues with persecutory delusions.

Prosecution says that the DCPP investigator testified she was not there to investigate sexual abuse.

Ooohhh - it’s getting salty between Simring and the Prosecution.


Yes. I fixed it in the original. Slow forum didn’t want to let me.


The issue I think he is trying to point out, is that he took MBs word for things and based his diagnosis etc off that, instead of actually verifying if there were SM posts, some of them were PMs between parties. He took MBs word for it about the visit regarding potential abuse, instead of looking into it.

Not sure what showing that does, however.


Did LK report to Safesport first or did MB? I can’t remember.

I wonder if the 19,000 pages is what he also sent to SS?

I considered that MB wouldn’t be privy to discussions between two other parties in PM.

Unless one of those parties sent screenshots to MB.


Yeah he is trying to trick the doc


Speaking of delusional disorder…


Its either that, or its PMs between MB and others or the victims?

They both reported each other right around the same time. But LKs report focused on MHGs kids and their welfare… and so, SafeSport immediately kicked it to local child welfare authorities so they would do a child welfare check.


Pipsqueak is trying to discredit this learned, prepared expert.


Well I believe MB was abused as a child, including sexual abuse. Further sexual abuse allegations are so impactful.

Thinking that might be a charge levied against him, or that it would be one levied because it’s a highly charged allegation isn’t hard to believe.
Edit, especially wrt a SO of the parent/guardian or step parent