Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Speaking about Girl Joey now. (Staggard)


Oh my god, this is just gutting. Poor Michael.

I’m just speechless. This man had been a successful business man, beloved by many, and the deterioration is shocking and sad.


The fact that these people came together and created this tragedy is so tragic. My heart breaks for this man I don’t know. And I am aghast that such evil exists. (Finish the bastard.)


You know, I do not have distorted thinking. But I can easily see how MB would be afraid of Lauren. It’s not REALLY that insane to think that she wouldn’t go off the deep end and cause him harm whether physically or monetarily or some other way!


She already has


These examples are powerful. We are hearing about what a psychotic break looks like in real life.

I really do feel like it’s going to come down to the letter of the law here on how the jury rules.

For any outcome, I hope MB is carefully and appropriately treated.


They are talking about the effect on MB of the recording LK was doing. And how LK was posting about this on FB.

It made MB incredibly paranoid.

Dr. Hasson talks about how all this crazy posting LK was doing made MB even more terrified, because MB had distorted thinking, and drew distorted conclusions from it all


It’s so tragic, and so very very sad. So unnecessary.


Indeed. Consider all the ex NFL players who have committed suicide.

This is just gut-wrenching. It sounds like LK delivered the straw(s) that broke the camel’s back.


Same here. Although as far as him shooting LK - do we yet know if he truly just raised the gun up and started shooting as soon as he saw her, or if they jumped him and the gun discharged in the melee?

But I am starting to wonder if “murder-suicide” was his intention. If so, then whoever was calling RG a “hero” for saving three lives that day may have been right (as much as it pains me to think of RG as anything other than a scumbag grifter).


It makes me absolutely ill. And I don’t know him personally either. But he clearly was an incredibly successful, beloved man. Look at the people who gave testimony about him. Frankly… Brock, Dutton and Martin all moved me. Because it was just so clear what a gifted and special professional MB was.

These people (LK and RG) broke this man. It’s just awful.


He read them aloud in court? (I am not able to watch today so am having to rely on posts here to get a sense of what is going on.)

The irony is of it did roll out that way, they’d have done better to get their stories straight. I don’t think they can tell the truth unadulterated


Nope. Hasson read them aloud to MB when interviewing MB … and watched MBs reaction.

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I don’t think RG could be a hero under any circumstances. Any motivation he had would be totally self-serving.


I your right, though I think of it as they knocked over a delicately balanced system, rather than a burden.


We’ve all been wondering how MB came to shoot LK.

We are seeing it now, and it’s so, so sad and tragic. This witness is really drawing together for us his thought processes… how he links things together in his head as he’s struggling.


Thank you for the clarification!

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Legally, they can’t share the diagnosis with anyone except the patient. Now, if the patient shares with others they still can’t discuss it. All anyone can do is keep the people treating the patient informed of what said patient is saying/doing. Patients do lie about a lot of things (smoking, drinking, sexual activity). Patients with mental health issues do it too, or they report what they are feeling and mistake it for what is really happening. Someone with BP1 who is riding the manic high and florid truly believes what they are saying and doing. Meanwhile, the trail of people who are affected grows and sometimes they are badly hurt as a consequence (thinking children of mentally ill caregivers).

Anyway, the best thing to do is to read up on abnormal psychology and get a feel for what you are seeing and figure out strategies to stay a safe distance away emotionally. Physically if necessary.

BOUNDARIES are your best friend.

My BPD parent has gotten much better about them through the decades and has developed enough trust in what close confidantes say that if Person A says, “You are reading far more into the situation than I am - are you certain your worries aren’t running away with you?” BPD parent slows their roll and listens. It is very hard work but it has paid off handsomely. Again, this is very much an exception to a rule though.

Fingers crossed that your family member is also motivated to change and stubborn enough to stick with it.


Yes, it makes a lot more sense now that we see what his exact mental state was at that time.