Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

God. The testimony about how MB remembers other abusive people from his childhood with eyes like RG had.

My heart just breaks for this man.


Until today, I don’t think any of us truly grasped what an insanity defense truly looked like, or what MB must have been going through.


I would worry he may still


Why is he nitpicking this? It’s to the prosecution’s advantage to know that MB took the gun from the safe. It places the gun in MB’s hands.

Some of it was to point out the errors in the report, wrong names, wrong person had given him the gun etc

And he pointed out that the witness had verbally said that MB brought the gun to the farmhouse, but that it wasn’t included in the report

I don’t think it was incredibly effective, I do admit to being a little surprised there were so many errors in the report


yeah, it sounds like did truly have a breakdown, one that was brewing for some time and instead of a supportive and helpful atmosphere he was stuck in the worst environment ever.


Actually, I was too, because the rest of his testimony was so assured and he was so good with names and details.

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All they would have to do is print them from whatever medical record system they use.

And even people who tried to give him helpful suggestions, it only fed into the disordered thinking. Specifically, when he was instructed to keep his truck locked. That just frightened him more.

I think he was beyond the help of anyone other than a mental professional at that time.


The last bit of testimony right before the break was about how Dr. Hasson says that MB because increasingly terrified for MHGs minor children. Didn’t want there to be any custody issues for MHG.

MB became worried LK or RG might harm the children.

There apparently were some FB posts indicating LK and RG had fixated on the children.

And… objection by the prosecutor. And… they have gone to break.


I think his breakdown was caused (intentionally) by some specific people in that environment.


Where is the line drawn between victim blaming and culpability? I’m not sure how to phrase this.


I don’t know about that. It sounded like the camel was pretty functional for a long, long time, despite a pretty uphill climb on a long and bumpy road.

Until somebody came and piled 50 bales of straw on it, piece by piece over the course of a span of time. And then that last straw from that same person on top of the previous 50 bales that were added was what broke it.


Talking about the kids…wow.

Threatening a minor working student, looking for information on Mary’s small children. Wow, wow, wow. My head is going to explode.

What does SafeSport have to say about that?


The psychologist stated that one of Mb’s paranoid delusions was that the children would be killed by LK/RG, which he believed was triggered by several things but one being a SM post where LK/RG were trying to find info on the children.

What sick, sick people LK/RG are. I didn’t think it possible but the further along the trial goes, the more I hate them as people.


It depends on who you ask. To some, even slightly implying that LK has ever done anything wrong in her whole life is victim blaming.


Let’s ignore for a second what ultimately started MB’s downward spiral.

Relevant to the verdict or not, it says so much about LK that instead of either encouraging his family/friends to get him help, or even just saying “hmm, clearly he’s got issues and my horses aren’t getting the training I wanted so I guess I should take my business elsewhere,” her reaction was “FINISH THE BASTARD.”


The more I hear (read) about the testimony of various witnesses and understand about what happened to him, the more I realize that I am becoming an MB fangirl. He is an amazing person who overcame a difficult childhood to become a well-respected Olympic-level athlete and build a successful business and who also has a plethora of high-quality friends and business associates who consider him a good and honorable person.

It is beyond tragic that he was destroyed in a calculated campaign to do exactly that by a [insert adjectives of choice].

It is almost Shakespearean in scope.


I hope everyone in the dressage community is watching this. People need to see LK and RG for what they really are and make it a point to avoid them at all costs. Wonder what LK’s BFF thinks of her now?


While a morally reprehensible statement, as were the actions of LK and RG in general, “FINISH THE BASTARD” isn’t a pressing, imminent action that would justify MB’s use of force. I don’t believe in isolation even saying I’ll kill you is at least in non stand your ground states. I know it certainly isn’t in Canada

They have ultra sensitivity to any sort of weakness, it seems. Like they are keyed in to non verbal cues to a hyper awake level. Which may be why LK got this one wrong, dealing inSM eliminated some of those important cues that she was getting into deep a water, but the likes and support instead fed her exhilaration. That’s my take.