Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

[quote=“MHM, post:7709, topic:770941, full:true”]


A lot of beautiful, brilliant incredible people have suffered horrific childhood abuse, or have PTSD from war, or have had serious health issues like cancer or repeated concussions or whatever… and do struggle with long term depression, and anxiety, but lead incredible meaningful lives

Because they learn to manage their issues. And they have a good circle of support that works for them. And they have meaningful work and hobbies.

Sometimes, these people are extra brilliant because of their deep capacity for empathy.

I think that MB was one of those sorts of people. Sort of a human work of art. Imperfect - but very very unique and special. Fragile in some ways - yes. But a human being who was like a special work of art.

And these other two humans came along and decided to destroy that work of art. Almost like smashing a porcelain vase. Or taking a knife and slashing a beautiful painting.

It just makes me so sad. And frustrated with our legal system that did nothing to stop these two in the weeks and days leading up to this tragedy.


That could be the final straw for a lot of people who were in much better mental shape than the description of MB at the time.


Um, ok? I think we can all agree with you on that general statement outside of the facts of this case.

Edited because of clarity. for some reason bb posted this twice? Above deleted post is this one.

I’m feeling EXACTLY the same way.

If he is found not guilty after this… hopefully someone in the equestrian community could start some sort of fund or small organization for him. And interested parties could offer support for him from afar. Either kind notes, small donations to a cause that resonated with him… something… anything.

I just wish there was a way to offer this poor man some support.


The judge

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The biggest failure in this sad tale is the police department. How many times did he ask them for help? And they essentially blew him off…

And then failed him again by neglecting to test all three individuals at the crime scene for GSR.

It is just Incredible. I hope 48 hours makes their incompetence crystal clear.


Thank you

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Cross. Buckle up to hear about every inconsistency.

And off the bat a weird error by Prosecution.


I’ve just seen it used a lot on here as justification for shooting LK, which is why I brought it up

Its strange them and the fire department all acted that way.


Interesting. Is prosecution going to try to completely discredit this expert? Weird things to be challenging him on.


Right off the bat Shellhorn is punching above his weight. Like, do your homework


Some of us have known the entire time. We have been ridiculed here, been called “MB fan girls”, been threatened by LK multiple times.

We knew!


Right? There’s no board for PsychOLOGY… that’s PsychIATRY, sir.

Challenging him leaving a PostDoc.

Challenging him not being a fellow…


I didn’t say it excused the shooting, the verdict is for the jury to decide.

I was referring to LK’s behavior and how it goes far, far beyond the ordinary human tendency to sometimes look out for one’s self interest at the possible expense of others, to actual intentional desire to harm other people.


Is he trying to paint him as a Psych for hire? Just to support a defense?

I’m really confused on the CV grilling.


Anyone who would do business with these 2 evil beings, knowing their history, is opening themselves up for the same or possibly worse (if that’s at all possible) treatment…their choice.


They can’t do anything if no one is actually breaking the law, and they have little to no training on mental health and inter personal conflict.

Plus, in my experience most people have a weird aversion to dealing with people who are difficult. Perhaps to the FD and LEOs they just shrugged it off as whiny rich people being mean to each other. How many times do you hear men mocked for complaining or crying?

I don’t actually thick LEOs and FDs should deal with folks in crisis like this, but there isn’t anyone else to call…


Same set of questions as previous witness now.

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You can count me in, too.

I rode in a clinic with Michael Barisone in the 90s. He was kind, funny, very professional, and gave good lessons. I still use the things I learned from him.

He also seemed on top the world. This whole thing is so heartbreaking.