Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I do have a psych background and did neuroscience research for a while where I did all the cognitive / psych testing for a schizophrenia study. I’m at least familiar with most of the test Hasson described.

Now I’m an Occupational Therapist part time and do research part time at a university.

Forensic work fascinates me though. In my youth I thought I would end up a forensic psychologist :slight_smile:


I had to catch up. My afternoon thoughts:

  1. The dog attacking should have been relevant, based on the EMT descriptions of the injuries on MB. That MB could have brought out the gun to shoot the dog attacking him, then LK attacking him to stop him shooting the dog, then him shooting her is a very plausible scenario. Judge’s mistake.

  2. The prosecutor is doing what he can to discredit the (compelling) expert witnesses, because that is his ethical duty as a lawyer to put forth the best case. We have an adversarial system. Does it seem nitpicky? Yes. He has nothing else. He needs to do what he can to introduce doubt — and when all you have is sawdust, you toss the sawdust at them. I continue to feel sorry for him.

  3. MB’s insanity claim, which is a thing very hard to prove, has a shockingly good chance of success here.

  4. Watching a man unravel is not fun, even in trial testimony years later.

  5. Girl Joey…man. If that doesn’t speak to the jury, I’m not as good at this lawyer thing as I think I am. LK is a monster, IMO.

  6. Those of you who accused me of being a MB partisan in 2019 because I proposed it was possible MB got pushed over the edge and snapped…. Well, I feel better about that today! The fact that LK kept messaging me and me tagging me, saying her lawyers were coming after me for libel…I think she knows the mental breakdown was true also. And this is just speculation and opinion too, which is not considered libel or slander, and if LK had a “blue chip” lawyer she would absolutely know.

I would not hesitate to do a clinic with MB. I hope he is able to reclaim his life soon.


On the jury I was on the primary 12 jurors were set at the beginning and only if one of them couldn’t finish the trial did an alternate take their place. I our case 1 primary juror had some issue hearing the testimony and was replaced by the first alternate.

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So does anyone know if these two experts today are the last witnesses for the defense?

I thought at the end of the day yesterday, they said there would be two lay witnesses and then two expert witnesses. But this morning we only saw Boyd Martin before the first doctor appeared. Unless maybe they think Boyd Martin counts as two people? Which I could kind of see, really.

But I do remember at that hearing when they were discussing the length of the trial, I think the defense attorney said he would probably need two weeks to call all his witnesses. And he’s only been at it for 2 1/2 days so far.


From what I saw, his responses looked pretty typical! Most professionals aren’t going to venture into the territory of hostile witnesses (except one I knew, who I think really did not want to be testifying), but getting a little short or frustrated with redundant or badgering questions is pretty common. I do also know other professionals in forensics who will say to the judge that a question can’t be answered yes or no and get permission to elaborate when asked questions that would take findings wildly out of context. Hasson seemed comfortable to just jump into adding context, but it seems like he’s been on the stand so much he knew what would be allowed. And someone could always object! He can at least get his information out there and not be misrepresented.


I remember the same. So I think there is one more lay person witness to go after this doctor.

Then I guess the prosecution gets to call rebuttal witnesses.

And then I think it’s closing statements… and they are done.

Anyone have any clue who the last layperson witness might be?

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Did the jury get to hear much about her, though? If they did, I must have missed that part.

The one big opportunity I think the defense missed this morning was when the first doctor hesitated over the word “numerous” in relation to the arrest report for LK and RG. That gave the judge the chance to chime in with the suggestion, “more than one.”

Which I have a feeling was probably technically accurate, but also a huge understatement.


Oooh this sounds familiar. I have a close family member who I suspect has NPD, along with a number of other issues. I’ve been the only one in my family to set boundaries with her and it worked well enough for years, until a situation arose in which I needed to essentially cut off contact completely. She reacted just as you described.


I missed the mention of Joey as well, but I was just listening to it in the background and probably missed a ton of things.

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@Christa_P is correct, the original 12 are set. If they had an issue, the substitutes will deliberate. You need 12 in the room, so having a few backups is standard practice.

More: Generally, a prosecutor is not allowed to present character evidence unless the defense uses it, which he did. I think that we will see a few people with an axe to grind against MB, saying he is rough/volatile, during the prosecutor’s next round.

LK isn’t on trial but might see someone testify MB was the problem in their relationship. Expect those, if they exist, to be sketchy. If my case I wouldn’t go there, worried about cross on them.


I really don’t see that MB had any plan to harrass or the tire LK or to make her life miserable. He simply wanted her to leave and even negotiated a plan for her horses with her father.


Every time I read “prosecution” today my brain says “prostitution” which totally changes the posts.


So, I’m researching day one.
Listening to the 911 call.
Clearly its RG on the phone, tells someone to “get the (expletive) dog inside, now!”.
Who is he telling to get the dog inside?


Interesting, thanks.

Really! I would think it had to be the cop saying that


Because Taylor exempted quite a few witnesses!!!


Buck Davidson?

They seem to be putting together a pretty strong event team within driving distance, I think. Lol.


They mentioned Joey, and how LK had posted on social media about Joey’s dead child.

I think the two Dr.’s evaluating MB saw LKs actual social media posts about girl Joey, and understand exactly how vile they are, and how MB was triggered and terrified by those vile posts.

But I a don’t believe the jury got to see the content of the posts LK made about Joey.

Until you actually read them… it’s hard to fathom the depth of depravity and mentally abusive tactics involved.

Also - Joey - if you are out there reading this - gentle hugs to you. My heart goes out to you.


I don’t really know, was relying on the reports here which said it came up during the 100 SM posts MB gave the first expert, and a little during the second expert. I was in and out today of the actual trial. I know, hearsay! Lol.


Right? :rofl:

But I doubt it. My guess is the last witness will be the most compelling. And if it’s another eventer… well… they would have had that person go today and saved Boyd for last. Because obviously Boyd is about as persuasive and likeable of a character witness as anyone could wish for.